I [i]could[/i] revive everyone...but I'd rather just rocket myself. On nightfall...
Made me laugh. XD Happened to me during archon priest nightfall.
I actually do it with a trip mine grenade and dance on it or sit on it, sorta acting like my hunter character is under pressure of saving everyone. I tend to do this after the mission before the timer goes to zero xD
Ya or jump off the map lol. Been doing last second suicides since reach XD
I thought I was the only one who did that. Been doing it since Halo 3.
I like the grenade thing cuz of comical effect sorta like a happy ending gone wrong xD
need to play with you for sh**s and giggles
Lol yea. What console you play?
Awww. 360 bro XD
360 bro wink (lol no I'm a horrible player)
Add me guys, same gt
Self promoter. *scoff*