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Edited by Errant Rogue: 11/29/2014 1:26:42 AM
>My friend and I were helping one of our other friends get the thorn. >A titan, a hunter and a warlock. >Ultimate team assembled. >Gets to Phogoth. >Dodging all sorts of hellfire being thrown at us from boom tubes and wizard blasts. >Titan friend is killed by Phogoth's eye beam. >Warlock friend is struggling to remain alive as enemies swarm him. >Cries out "This is hopeless I am never going to get the thorn!" >"Last guardian standing." >Xyor the Unwed in the center with Phogoth. >Double jumps over the platforms. >This is it I know I can kill! >Activates golden gun. >Jumps to Xyor. >90 degree descent. >"-blam!- you, you unmarried piece of shit!" >Xyor dies. >Much celebration ensues.

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