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1/3/2015 8:23:39 PM
No. No trade ever.

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  • Edited by FoxhuntRadio: 1/3/2015 8:33:55 PM
    Seriously guy? How about you offer an actual reason you are against trading, huh? And I don't mean that generic "it'll break the game" or "you have to earn your gear" bullshit, cause both are completely false statements and can actually be PROVEN to be false, so If you are not gonna be part of the solution to a very real problem for most gamers, just don't comment then....ok? Don't want trading? We don't care because we do, if you dont like it, don't use it when it comes out, doesn't effect you in any way so keep your negativity off of my post unless you have some facts to back up what spews out of your mouth, cause we don't wanna hear it......especially not from someone who cheese's the shit out of the raids......that shit hurts the community and game far more than trading ever would

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  • Lol you are the one not providing any facts. Also you respond to a simple sentence with a -blam!-ing book haha, I'm gonna follow you for the entertainment!

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  • I still believe you should not be able to trade raid gear. As that is something that although is all rng and is usually bull shit to get. But, that's part of the reason to raid and it makes getting that last piece of gear all to sweet. I completely agree with your idea but would make is so that trade once a reset.

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  • You really have your panties in a bunch over this, don't you? I have seen too many games go to hell because of a trading system. Those hard to find exotics will be sold one way or another for real cash. "B-b-b-but Bungie can implement a way to stop that." Perhaps. But do you really think they will spend the cash and resources to over-haul the current system? C'mon man, use your brain. If there was meant to have a trading system, don't you think it would already be in place?

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  • Name 1 single game destroyed by trading! I dare you! Just because you don't like it or don't want it doesn't mean it destroyed anything, WOW, Diablo 1, 2, 3, skyrim, ALL Wildly successful, and ALL have trading Dumbass

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  • Skyrim was never created with a trading system. It was a soft modded added later, Also only on PC.

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  • Ok, retard. It won't matter what I'll tell you, you're still going to think you are right in your way of thinking. But sorry to tell you this, kid, trading will not happen with this Destiny. Bungie will not rework everything just to appease whiny special-needs children.

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  • Ok RETARD, trading WILL happen because nothing has to be reworked! Damn people like you really are dumb as -blam!-! Bungie has said the game was designed around a trade system and it was removed at the last second. That's why the loot system even is RNG you dumb -blam!-. AND bungie has stated that they WILL put the trade system back in if called for enough by the community. Anyone with Google can find the interviews I speak of, and if it's too hard for your little brain to comprehend, I'll be happy to provide links to them for you

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  • This is fun. Trading will not happen, And there has not been a single inclination of it by bungie or any of the sort. You just talking out your ass, doing a very good job, although shit will still be shit no matter how it is presented.

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  • Look at who's talking out there ass now? Bungie has said it multiple times prior to release, I put a link to one such article on your previous reply, but I'll put another one here just for you....get some of that Jizz out of your eyes and you might be able to read it and learn some real truth, not just the shit you make up just cause it sounds good to you

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  • Again with hostility. Man in his mothers basement. That doesn't say it was based around trading nor does it state that it will ever be there. All that says is that if the conditions are right they will try

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  • Are you blind? Or just plain stupid? That interview is PRE-release, and that is EXACTLY what the first paragraph states

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  • Intentions of an idea and be bing based around an idea are 2 very different things. You learn this somewhere in middle school

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  • Wow man, you wanna try to dis me, yet you cannot even comprehend a black and white, plain English statement by a designer of the actual game you're trying to argue my friend are the definition of ignorant

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  • Lol you notice you are the only person interpreting it that way. So chances are the rest of us have it right and you do not. As I said that says nothing of being based around trading at all. It merely states they would like to incorporate it. Period. That is what is black and white.

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  • If I were the only one interpreting it lime that, there wouldn't be 50,000 posts with the same viewpoint I have and just because a bunch of elitist asshole try to say it means that, the fact remains the same, so just because you interpret it that way because you don't want it, doesn't change the facts that it's there, it's the only reason rng was chosen as the loot system, and the fact that it's says in the article that it WILL, not might, be added

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  • The statement, will be added when the time is right, means the same things might...

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  • No it doesn't, the words "WILL be added" is a very specific phrase with only 1 meaning, the word "WILL" has never and will never signify anything other than a DEFINITE, unless followed by another word, example: "will probably" or "will possibly" or even "will maybe" all are concept you should have learned in ELEMENTARY school so try again dumbass

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  • Lol and 4 months later, expansion one released. A million people like you bitching, and guess what, still no trading. They realized it would be a bad idea and will not happen. These bad ideas happen to everyone, for instance you should have been swallowed, nonetheless your here, or rather your mothers basement... Give it up. It's not happening.

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  • Lol you are too funny, speaking on behalf of an entity that is far wiser than yourself.....see its funny that you are so convinced that it ain't gonna happen, but if you do any actual research into the subject, you will find countless statements from multiple bungie employees that VERY a trading system WILL be in the game, yet, the only thing you will ever find saying it won't be is ramblings from unintelligent people like yourself who THINK they know what's going on but have no idea. Fun fact, if there were going to be no trade system ever, then SOMEONE, ANY ONE from bungie would have verified that by now, or at least said it in an off hand comment somewhere, but the fact remains that every time it has ever been brought up, NO ONE has ever dismissed it and said it would never happen....but please do continue with the same generic personal attacks that every other no life, keyboard warrior uses....I bet it makes you feel all tingly inside thinking that projecting what you are on someone else to try to belittle them when you're the only waste of a lower lifeforms in the really speaks volumes to who is right and who is wrong. But check this out Mr "Jizz" that's that most gay thing I've seen in a screen name in a while, and very unoriginal, just like your arguments, when it comes to what the facts are, since everything you try to say is completely CONTRADICTORY to what the game creators themselves say, and since they did make the game, not you, I'm gonna believe bungie over you, and any person with an I.Q. over 25 can see you're just another low life with a superiority complex who had no idea what he's talking about P.S. they update and add new things all the time, And like you said yourself, the game is ONLY been out 4 months, that's barely any time at all.....but it's cool, I hope you do follow me so I can rub it in your face the day trading goes live i, and everyone I know will spam the shit out of your dumbass just for thinking your the hot shit know it all you think you have your fun, cause I'll have mine soon enough ;)

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  • Jesus, that's a book. I read the PS none of the other shit. But ok, I'm looking forward to it brah lolz

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  • On too of that. They won't initiate trading simply because they would lose half their player base

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  • Nope. Still not going to happen. Work for your pixels kid. Stop trying to find an easy way out.

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  • Bitch I'm 10 times the player you are and will shit on your face while wrecking your mom anywhere in the game! So -blam!- off with that shit. BUNGIE says whether it will happen or not, not you. And bungie has said multiple times it will so eat a dick bitck! And FYI you selfish asshat, some of us actual really good, VETERAN players, want a trade system to help OTHERS who are highly skilled but have terrible luck with RNG. Just because you got lucky in the game doesn't mean everyone else is

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  • Take it easy there, kid. You're going to have a stroke before you even hit puberty. Maybe your mommy and daddy (is he still around?) should monitor your internet access until you are old enough to realize that there will be people whom will not always agree with you. With the way you rant and rave I'm picturing you as a fat kid sitting in his mom's basement frothing at the mouth as you type your responses. Think Eric Cartman lol.

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