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1/20/2015 12:03:59 PM
As a 28 year old male let me say that if your woman doesn't approve of your gaming you can either: A) Cut back to try and make her happy if she is really "the one". Or B) Let her break up with you and find someone who enjoys gaming or at least supports your hobby. A lot of families spend 4-6 hours watching mindless television a day so for anyone to sit there and say, "Gaming is mindless" is purely ignorant. Me personally, I don't let anyone dictate my life. If my girlfriend doesn't approve of my hobbies(video games, guns, going to the range, etc) then tough crap,go find someone else . I've gotten to the point in my life and career where I (strong emphasis on "I") want to be happy, and if playing games, hanging with friends, watching sports, etc and no one will get in the way of MY happiness. I put others including relationships before my own wants and happiness before and you know what? It didn't mean squat in the end anyway because there will ALWAYS be a problem no matter what. Hope you make the right choice that benefits YOU and makes YOU happy. Goodluck bro.

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