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Time Killers


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    [u][b]Mission[/b][/u] Time killers are ambitious but put fun first. We are aiming to bring players together on a little more than a random basis to build better teamwork and effective squads. We don’t expect amazing players but do appreciate a bada** here and there. All we do require is that members treat one another with respect. [u][b]Time Killers Creed[/b][/u] "We are the Time Killers. We are the brave, the fearless, the bold. We jump into the mouth of hell to kick down the Devil's door, we scale the heights of Olympus to throw the gods from their thrones. With steel and fury we deliver our wrath upon our enemies until there is naught but ash and fire. We are a brotherhood, with bonds forged in the crucible of combat. We will never let the Darkness take us, or our brothers, before it has learned to fear the Light. GUNS UP!"

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originally posted in:Time Killers
Edited by deathgodsato: 10/4/2014 6:15:28 PM

Raid teams(ps4)

ok so if your interested in joining a raid team i want ya to post here. depending on the number of people who want in we may have multiple raid groups. ill do my best to make sure everyone has a team. i will update this with the teams as they are made. also post your main subclass and level. itll help for sorting out the teams. once the teams are made they can decide on their raiding times as a group just lemmy know so i can post the info. also post the console your on so i don't accidentally mix ps3/4, xbox260 and xboxoners into one group. if your in a group or on the list be sure to keep me updated on when your level changes and if you change subclass so i can update and re-balance the teams as needed raid team 1, ps4 Status: The final act deathgodsato(level 28) : sun singer Rignasty15x(level29):blade dancer Muunia(level29): sun singer Perodic(levek27):blade dancer First dibs reps: DarkWarrior10(level26):defender raid time: raid team 2 status: prefered to be in GBT or similar time zones MikeCrompz(level27):void walker noobkroyer(level26):defender raid time: raid team 3 status: nyyxx(level26):blade dancer, ps4 MikeCrompz(level26):void walker, sun singer in training LittleCuban(level26):defender Cretinbuster2000(level 27):gunslinger thumper(level26):titan jayson(level26):hunter raid time:

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  • Edited by deathgodsato: 9/18/2014 8:42:51 PM

    Started a new topic: for glass vault raiders(15 Replies))

  • Hi guys, I'm interested to join a raid team Hunter Lvl 27, psn: jbilou1184

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  • Level 29 titian. Need a group that can work together. Trying to reach level 30 before dlc comes out. Psn is:dreed80

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    • Looking for people to help me raid! Im a lvl 29 warlock Ps4 : Sleepin___Forest My name has three underscore.

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    • Edited by mhernande: 11/3/2014 2:29:54 AM
      Hey guys, im a lvl 29 warlock and i have clared before Info Lvl 29 warlock System:ps4 Psn: mhernande Looking forward to keep on raiding

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    • I am a 100%disabled veteran. I have a level 28 warlock both sides unlocked geared out all i can for solo and pickup groups. have 26 hunter working on unlocking the gunslinger almost there too. almost as geared as my warlock. My titan wich i use to farm mote of lights is geared out but I do not plan on leveling him passed 21 while I still farm mote of lites can usually farm 30 to 100 with him depending on the que times for the group strike at 21. Anyways I am always on because with my condition hard to go and do anything but sit at home and play video games. Prefer the lock but will also play hunter if needed. Also have done pick up groups for vault so no most of it just never killed the last guy because of well immature teens and unsupervised kids. in pick up raid that cannot follow simple instructions.

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      2 Replies
      • Hey man, just hit level 26 and keen to join a team. Not sure how it will work with the time zones and stuff though

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      • Edited by Cupofjoe904: 10/8/2014 11:21:45 PM
        Joeismusic_07 Lvl 28 Hunter Either class works for me I'm almost done leveling both (3 and a half upgrades left on gunslinger). I'm flexible on duties during raid. Also down for bounty grinding and daily/weekly stuff.

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        3 Replies
        • Correction I am a 29 Gunslinger

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        • Hi everyone, level 27 Gunslinger Hunter here looking to raid played with a few members of time killers before but haven't been regularly checking the app, if I could find a spot in a team im dedicated to doing my best, previously played and hit the level cap on guild wars 1/2 so have some knowledge of how mmos work and what will be expected from me. Also I am in gmt so members in similar timezones would be great Thanks in advance, Ashley

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        • Yeah I'm 27 now too soon to be 28 hopefully after I've done these queens wrath bounties if anyone wants to try missions I'm good for that ps4 MikeCrompz

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        • Update I'm level 27, and mainly Striker, but with a fully upgraded offspec as Defender.

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          • Hi, i'm also interested in joining a raid team. Class: Titan Level: 20 Console: PS4 Thanks!

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            3 Replies
            • Just hit 26! rdy to raid!!!

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              • PSN: soul_eater1 lvl: 26 class titan subclass: defender consol:ps4 i live in southern california and right now its 6:40 p.m

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              • Edited by BluntTrauma01: 9/21/2014 6:09:52 PM
                PSN: Blunt_Trauma01 LVL: 22 almost 23 Class: Warlock Subclass: Voidwalker Console:PS4 I'm good but need to get better armor, i play whenever i have time (usually at night) anybody that needs an extra player if im online hit me up

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              • I'm level 25 now and also I was jim before I changed my display name so you can take that off

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              • Edited by Rignasty: 9/16/2014 3:01:36 PM
                PSN: Rignasty15x LVL: 26 Class: Bladedancer Console: PS4 PSN: Lester-kids LVL: 26 Class: Bladedancer Console: PS4 PSN: Muunia LVL: 27 Class: Sunsinger Console: PS4 The three of us would like to be placed together and would also like to begin forming a core raiding group. Right now anyone who is 26+ should be apart of the core raiding group since we will all have similar farming needs and won't need to double back to accommodate the lower levels. The core raiding group should also have secondaries/standbys in case a core raiding member is unavailable or has to drop group early for any reason.

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                • Level 26 warlock preferably voidwalker but working on sunsinger PS4: MikeCrompz Really need to take on the vault of glass so whenever people can get on and give it a go :)

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                • Update: I reached level 26, and will probaly reach level 27 when I got this legendary gear upgraded completly :-)

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                • I'm looking to join a raid team for ps4, I'm a level 25 warlock (sun singer or void walker) PSN: extremeduck69

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                • All xbox one raiders and people report to me for raid status and group placement. My gamer tag is: itz johnsy. Add me and I'll be putting you into a group. I have an open xbox one check in for raids on the forums please report there and follow the instructions I have put there. Thank you

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                • Started a new topic: Day 1 in the vault of glass

                • I'm down for PS4. Level 23, Gunslinger. Need to grind three more levels for vault of glass. Also don't mind joining anyone's fire team. PSN name is same as my username here

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                • Killakam343 ps4 Have mic Lvl 25 hunter gunslinger

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                • Level 24 warlock, fully upgraded void walker and half upgraded sunsinger console: PS4 GT: extremeduck69

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