originally posted in:Art and Stuff
Well it's basically pretty close to finished now, I think, losing motivation to do little details, and I mean it looks fine when you zoom out...right? >_>
[[url=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs17/f/2007/195/3/b/Jousting_Knight_by_runique.jpg]Reference Image[/url]]
[quote]This group is now my personal cheer squad...or drill sergeant, whichever method you prefer.
Taking a break from this knight study but it's going really well IMO, but I need to make sure I don't lose steam after going past halfway finished.
[url=http://i.imgur.com/UWUFEws.png]Original Post[/url]
[url=http://i.imgur.com/EvE3OCe.jpg]Update #1[/url]
[url=http://i.imgur.com/YqP2nTN.jpg]Update #2[/url] (Minor)
[url=http://i.imgur.com/Adnr83s.jpg]Update #3[/url] (Even more minor)[/quote]
Edited by Primordial: 5/31/2014 3:59:34 PMIs there a reason you left out the circular neck guard(?) and air holes on the helmet? ;p As the others said, you did really great wiith this. As a reward, you should take a break. Enjoy the break? Good, time to start on the complete, photo-realistic battle scene.
Amazing. Genuinely thought it was a photo at first.
Looks great! But there should be a dragon somewhere...
I thought it was just a stock photo at first but then I realized it was a painting. Great stuff.
Couldn't tell the difference.
Thought that was real for a sec. <(@.@)>
Nicely done man, nicely done. You've always been extremely talented, in my humble opinion.
So. Freaking. Awesome! Congrats man!
That's a painting? I thought it was a figurine or something.
Looks better than the reference!
Wait, I'm confused. Are you making a suit of armour in real life, or is that a painting?
I demand more.
It's basically done, maybe I'll summon motivation to work on bits that need fixing sometime, but for now I'll call it finished...
You're doing amazing! Picture the final image, it might be the push you need to reach past this point. (That's what I'm doing with my 'slow going' project. :o)
Watch this, now get back to work!!
Going slow, keep making mistakes and I must've redone the hands 3 times...time for a break.
Dang that is awesome!
Work! Work! Work!
Jesus this is amazing! Photo-realistic!
I really like the shine of the armor. Do you work with references, or do you have lots of experience with the lighting of metal objects?