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Valhallas Wrath

Valhallas Wrath

"Punch Babies, Drink Mead"

This is the most amazing, kinky, and swaggin' clan for those who love to wreck anus and lie about getting intoxicated and assaulting those of a natal liking. If you're a viking, or not, (who cares?) walk with us to Valhalla and place your name in the glorious rock tablet thing of swag endeavors and poon.

  • Approval Required

    Membership requires approval.
  • 3 Members

  • Created September 17, 2014

Season Progression

Clans unlock characters perks and rewards by leveling up their clan. The more active the clan, the higher the clan level.

Clan Level


5500 Clan Contribution this Week

Members (3 / 100)



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