I am so mad I was playing ToO then all the sudden I get a error and then it says I was banned! Almost all my fear is locked and I was not doing anything wrong. Plz bump this and hopefully bungie sees this. I am lucky some of my gear is available
Note that some temporary restrictions from the Trials of Osiris have been issued, for backing out of matches prior to completion. See this week's weekly update for more: [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/News/News?aid=12990]Weekly Update 6/04/15[/url] For more on Bungie's ban policy, see here: [url=https://www.bungie.net/7_Destiny-Account-Restrictions-and-Banning-Policies/en/Help/Article/11929]Bungie Ban and Restriction Policy[/url]
An excerpt from a smart man Bicepus Maximus [quote]The damage Trials has done to the game is severe. The social implications of making arguably the best pve weapons only obtainable from going 9 - 0 in a pvp game type are already destroying the game. Most people I play with have had clans split apart. This is due to the max players in an activity being three. You would think the other three would then make a group but the best players are only playing with the best and the ones who are lower skilled end up doing nothing with anyone. The result is people are not playing with others solely based on skill in the game. These lower skilled people will not progress and as a result leave the game. Trials combines the worst aspects of fps into one failed and broken game type. In Trials lower skilled players cannot even get a team to attempt the content. Period. When they do it is a massacre so they quit and the better players avoid them. Half my friends list alternates between visible and invisible in an attempt to AVOID PEOPLE. I am not talking about me but others. They do not want to tell others no to playing with them so hiding seems to be the preferred option. Destiny went from a fun and relaxed game to this? Half the time the only reason I know someone is on because they invite me to a party. Why you invis? To avoid this dude.... The flawless requirement literally destroys Trials. One win and you are out which is tedious and boring. It also brings out the worst in people. Friends are fighting and getting angry. Deleting people from friends list and blocking. Already today three people logged off upset. Two people yelled at each other. NO ONE IS HAVING FUN. AT ALL. Now take all I said above and add the very common and pervasive cheating going on in Trials. Ddos attacks, lag switches, aim bots, and other crap that further ruin the player experience. So you go 8 - 0 only to lose because the other team booted one of your team mates or lags so bad it takes an entire team to kill them. It is a miserable experience. In the final analysis none of this is fun. Even poe is not fun because I cannot do 34 and 35 with a lot of my friends. I cannot justify purchasing another product from a company that releases content this bad. If the requirements to get Lighthouse were reasonable I would keep at it but they are not. The content alienates people. I don't mind grinding or hard content. What I do not like is content that destroys your friends list, splits people apart, and ruins what in many ways was a social game. Bungie better take notice and deal with this. Everyone changes games. This is the first time since playing this game from release that I can honestly say the MAJORITY OF MY FRIENDS ARE NOT HAVING FUN. EDIT: I agree with what a lot of people are saying on both sides. I believe many would not have purchased this game if content was like Trials. The social issues are real whether ones wants to admit them or not. In the end, Destiny is just a game. Lol. Just play something else and frankly I have lost most, if not all, of my faith in Bungie. Even Iron Banner was doable for everyone given a long timeline. If you really want that item grind it out. Sure others may get it in a shorter or longer time frame but you could play with anyone and still progress. It was fine. EDIT 2: Some idiots are comparing Trials to mlg. MLG not part of the core game nor does it have rewards in game. It is seperate from the game.[/quote]
If what your saying is true I'd give you a bump.. But it's not you show 11 games 0-0.......
Good glad you're banned you cheater
Yes, you are lucky bungie only decied to ban part of your gear and not the whole character/account. You deserve it. Do you really think we can´t see your match history?
Lol banned for cheating. Justice is amazing
You backed out what, 16 times ???. I have zero sympathy for you. I'm rubbish at PvP but face everyone equally. I don't back out of a bunch of thorn wielding 34s come calling! Why bother playing if that's your attitude ??
You have 11 games in your history where your team and the other team were 0-0. I'm glad you're banned you little shit. Cheating scrubs like you don't deserve to be playing in ToO if you're going to be cherry picking your games for an easy flawless. You're garbage kid
Edited by Nes1068: 6/6/2015 11:23:58 PMHe is right everyone. We should bump this so Bungie can see it. He said some of his gear is still available, it should all be permanently deleted.
You deserve to be banned for backing out , changing characters or whatever it is you did
200 ban tears collected.
Greetings Guardian, you were banned for using the 'back out' glitch in Trials of Osiris. By doing this we know you were artificially bumping your win/loss ratio on your Trials Passage by drawing the match. It is clear in your history and there was research done to justify the ban. Bungie does not discuss nor do they lift bans for whatever reason. [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/11929]Please see this policy on ban / account restrictions[/url]. Next time, play legitimately. Do not try to artificially increase your win/loss ratio and be a team player. Bungie clearly warned EVERYONE that backing out of matches would result in a ban [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/News/News?aid=12990]HERE[/url]. Learn from your mistakes and wait for your restriction to be lifted. [quote]Like Referees - with Banhammers. The Security Response Team at Bungie keeps a watchful eye on the world of Destiny. Their charge is to take action on all threats to the player experience. Their work is vital, but the heroes are unsung. This is to say that we don’t celebrate the restrictions we impose on cheaters. You are welcome to be a part of their process – even encouraged. If you want to get their attention, please use the tools we’ve built into the game. Player reports and game data are the evidence we weigh behind closed doors. Your in-game report is infinitely more effective than a forum indictment. Thanks for joining the cause to keep Destiny a fair fight for all. Now… This is for all you new people. Everyone Fights. No one quits. We’ve seen you backing out of matches on final approach in your ships because you saw formidable opponents on the other team. That tactic could earn you a restriction from future Trials of Osiris events. Please stick it out and fight – even if you know you’re about to be visited by tourists from the Lighthouse. As you were![/quote]
I have lost all faith in Destiny's fanbase. Comments like "git gud" and "scrub" don't f***ing make you sound high and mighty. Honestly, to all you people making fun of this guy and picking on him just go get a f***ing life. Don't try to make someone else's life more difficult through a [i]videogame[/i]. Honestly, people get so [i]pissed[/i] over the [i]smallest[/i] things. Get off your high horses, people. They only make you more ignorant. As for you, OP. You shouldn't have backed out of trials so many times before the game was over. I'm not going to belittle you like a lot of the jerks here, but I'm not going to say you didn't deserve the ban, either.
The only way I'll be bumping this to Bungie is if I'm suggesting they ban you for good. It's clear from your profile that you've been quitting out of matches to win.
Good. Finally bungie is banning cheaters. Quit cheating you bitch. Guess who has gone flawless 6x the last two weeks without cheating. This guy here. -blam!- you.
Edited by ReWind Faster: 6/7/2015 7:01:35 AMHahaha serves you right cheater!
I don't see why leaving is a bannable offense. You're just breaking an already broken game mode. Who cares? You have all these idiot s saying "I worked my ass off to win, blah blah blah", yet you have people modify and spamming IP's to win and messages to win? I find it funny that you go play control and see 12 players with green connections consistently, yet go to Trials and you see 6 with shit connections. How much bandwidth is needed to allow 6 players to run around a map?
What the hell! How can they ban you if you get an error. Thats BS. The errors are more than likely bungies servers. Thats wrong
Which way to weenie hut general hospital? We gotta get this guy there STAT.
Lol lag switching...
Good. See you in trials with no ToO gear since your gonna have to work for it. Don't exploit.
You got banned for This https://www.bungie.net/en/Legend/PGCR?instanceId=2704418512&characterId=2305843009217723958 this https://www.bungie.net/en/Legend/PGCR?instanceId=2704677072&characterId=2305843009217723958 and this one https://www.bungie.net/en/Legend/PGCR?instanceId=2704706811&characterId=2305843009217723958 oh yea this one as well https://www.bungie.net/en/Legend/PGCR?instanceId=2704840998&characterId=2305843009217723958 and this https://www.bungie.net/en/Legend/PGCR?instanceId=2704937159&characterId=2305843009217723958
You cheated, they have people doing the bans, not bots. So there is little room for error, don't be a cheating scrub.
Git gud scrub
Now... let's think this through. Why were players resorting to leaving matches early by changing character? It is flawless and Trials. Ridiculous damn requirement. This will only get worse.