A fellow member of the forums, LONGHAIR386, posted this earlier but was unable to clearly communicate the message he or she was trying so hard to deliver. I had taken it upon myself to translate his or her indecipherable post and posted it as a reply to the original text. Someone mentioned that what I had written should have been the original post, so here it is for all to enjoy...
I call it: "Atheon's Popped Vault"
The tagline of the story: "One player, a bag of cocaine, and an inconceivable plan"
If you activate the shield relic on the central platform and begin shooting Atheon, you somehow destroy some key that would unlock the "Vault of Glass".
When fighting Atheon, once three members of the raid team are teleported to either Venus or Mars, have two of the team members open the vex warpgate for the appropriate area to allow the teleported players to rejoin you in your fight, and have the remaining player kite or lure Atheon up the stairs and towards the large doorway behind where he originally spawns.
Once he is up there and the teleported players have returned through the warpgate, have the player who holds the shield relic run all the way up and behind Atheon and shoot him in the back with the shield super, while Atheon has his back turned.
Optionally, a titan can lure Atheon underneath or closer to the doorway by using his/her bubble shield super.
While all of this is going on the other members should be killing whatever other enemies are spawning.
Rinse and repeat until "something happens"?
(Shooting Atheon apparently disallows this to be completed, so don't do it.)
Gun-slinging hunters should also apparently be using their super or what have you to create Orbs of Light so the titan(s) can create bubble shields faster
Original Text:
[quote]If you pop yr relic on platform and shoot to kill atheon you destroy the key to the vault of glass. 3 get teleported 2 hold the plate 1 travels all the way left up back behind atheon when he is frozen. No one shoot atheon!!! Lure him up the stairs he is the centre piece of the vex machine. Relic runner runs up behind and shoots atheon while back is turned. Preferably Titan lures him under vault of glass with bubble. Others shoot adds. RINSE repeat until ATHEON POPS VAULT!!![/quote]
It takes a long time to kill him with the relic only, we hit enrage timer..then decided it was BS. If anyone else tries, let us know.
Not the worst VoG theory I've ever read. Still terribly stupid though.
Never go full retard
Buy TTK whilst under times vengance and atheon throws money at the screen
It was confirmed that it unlocks the "Hidden" chest! But the chest is located in Destiny expansion Vex Virus and it's only $60.00 and includes a backwards play of VoG and 2 new strikes! so stay tuned so you can open that chest.
Edited by Eden: 6/27/2015 12:17:57 AMThings to try... 1) this post 2) pushing Atheon in past/future? 3) Killing atheon with the relic super? 4) pushing atheon off the back middle? (Not sure if this is even possible anymore...)
Has anyone tried this?
What. The. -blam!-ng. Illuminati.
I think someone should try this as the whole glass gate thingy has no purpose so there might be.......something
This only works on the wii version
How TF did you figure this out and does it actually work?
What do you mean atheon pops vault?
Edited by Laddy: 6/26/2015 10:39:07 PMI've always been interested with the vault and its secrets, if you ever need another pair of hands I'd be willing. That is if you're playing on Xbox lol
360 no look noscope wallbang headshot
And now I know why my Gunslinger friend was shooting his Golden Gun at Atheon, instead of the Black Hammer.
That's cool but can you confirm what it actually does? No offense but it kind of seems like a waste of time to me
Thought title said "Atheon Pooped Vault"
You sure you don't have to dismantle all G horns in order for this to work?
Has anybody tried to get Atheon through one of the portals?
Will you try this soon and update us?
Plot twist He was a Bungie employee sending an encrypted message as a hint
You destroy a key ... like does it say this somewhere while fighting him ?
I wonder if there's a way to get Atheon to follow you through the portal (I know he's probably too big but it might work) then have everybody get out and close the portal on him.
Oh we were there, Atheon pops vault......, Best post I've ever been a part of.