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Edited by Charlemagne: 11/9/2015 12:55:44 AM

Got Trolled by AztecStrikerS13 and KirmitTHEFrog - lost all my characters and exotics

A known troller deleted my characters – is there any way to get them back? I caught it on video, watch starting at 13:28 and you can watch him delete my characters. I have blocked him and his friend, PLEASE help me,the characters he deleted were at level 31 with exotics, it took me 2 months to get to this level and I don't think it's fair that I have to start over!

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  • What's up man. If you ever need help with anything add me. I'm on most of the time. p_fw_d.

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  • Hey bud, add me and I will help you get through and level up your new characters. Also I'll help you through crota to get raid gear. Feel bad for the situation you've been put in, some real jerks out there. Hope they get what they deserve. Add DPG-09

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  • No. Why exactly would you let a stranger have your account info?

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    2 Replies
    • He had Hawkmoon! That was painful to watch.

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    • Add me. I will help you out.

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    • Don't talk to strangers kid lmfaooooooooooooo

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    • Cuckooknight, if you were on Xbox One, my fireteam and I would help you get back to where you were. Sorry this happened to you.

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    • I bet his twitch channel is blowing up with views now.

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      • I hope that psn and bungie ban kermit. There is no reason for allowing someone like this to continue preying on and abusing people. I hope bungie actually helps this kid instead of coping out like they have in the past. My example being the programming glitch that wiped out some or all items in players vaults. Which was admitted by them as being a loss of data on Bungie's side, and yet all they did was say I'm sorry for your loss. I sincerely hope Bungie is looking into the ability to restore items/characters for the "comet" at the best or Destiny 2 at the worst.

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      • Sorry man. Too bad I wasn't on PS4, I'd help you level up. But I'm on Xbox one.

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      • Wow man, I feel really bad for you. I agree that Bungie should give you all of your stuff back and ban Kermit for a month or so. If I were on PS4 my brother and I would be more than happily to help you rank back up. But at lease there's going to be match making for the Weekly Heroic Strikes. Honestly if I were Bungie right now, I would give you all of your stuff back and give you a free exotic and legendary of your choice. And I would ban Kermit for a month. And I wouldn't care about people starting a riot over it. Because you didn't deserve what happened to you. I also have to give you some respect cause your a lot calmer than I would be. Anyway, I hope you rank up and get all of your well EARNED weapons and gear back and more. :)

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      • I hope this sick fcker gets banned for that shit

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      • You shouldnt have given them control. Sorry bout your bad luck but hopefully youve learned your lesson. If i were on psn i would help lvl them back up but im not sorry.

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        • Edited by Pheist_Ewon: 2/20/2015 5:22:53 PM
          I want to feel bad for you. I almost do. However, I have to side with several people and blogs about one issue. In the video, you decided to handover control, after you thought you were going to be shown a cheat/glitch. Be happy that Bungie isn't handing you a permanent ban, as I have seen them do to others trying to glitch the game. In fact, I am surprised they have punished both you and the other parties involved. Two months of grinding is nothing in the long run. Just focus and get back to it.

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          • I am very sorry this happened to you and totally support you through all of this. I had you in my thoughts for the rest of the day after the video. This guy is just some stupid jerk the somehow thinks he's funny. Best of luck, xSkarcher :)

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          • I'm gonna have to add those trollers. My kind of people!!

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            • Hey man. What happened sucks. Props to you for having the balls to post here and report the players. You weren't the first and unless they get banned you won't be the last. If you want someone to run through the game and knock out some strikes, add me. Definitely up for helping you level up your characters. As you can tell from the wide variety of replies to your post, this really struck a nerve with folks. Some support you and want to help, and others are vocal about their lack of sympathy. Yeah, the "real" world is b*tch sometimes but that's no reason why Destiny has to reflect that side of life's lessons. You'll learn those on your own in time. For now, keep your chin up and don't let Kermit or his buddies (or the trolls on this thread) pollute the game experience for you. There are enough of us out here that'll have a kid's back and do what we can to help, whether it's you specifically or the next player that gets taken by trolls and looted. PS4 Gamertag: WatchfulJeeves

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            • I would have just bought the season pass and walked away no need to delete

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            • Keep your head up kid... I hope you don't give up... People are not always good... Take this as a lesson and never share you password with anyone but your parents... I have a 12 year old and 14 year old and I feel your pain... This will make you stronger and wiser!.. Walk tall guardian!

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            • Oh man, you poor stupid son of a bitch.

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              • But look at the views on that video.

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              • Bungie needs to step up and make this right. Scum that take advantages of kids like this are the lowest of the low. Some kids are so weak and bullied they'd kill themselves over nonsense like this. Do the right thing Bungie and help this kid out!

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              • LOL.

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              • I play on Xbox One, and to know that a troll did this to a PlayStation 4 user, is just upsetting. If there was a way Bungie could store all player data to the cloud (past and present), could drastically change the way of the game. In that way Cuckoo, could regain all of his original characters, and inventory.

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              • Why should people feel bad for you. You tried to cheat. You should get console banned. It amazes me that people are expressing their condolences. If this just happened because you were trying to be nice and let a friend try a game thats different but instead you were trying a glitch to level up. Take it as a lesson in karma and stfu with the poooor me bs.

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              • Hey dude, I saw the video and I feel really bad for you. Hope, in the end, you can recover the deleted characters. But if not, level up more and have fun doing it (I know is devastating all the progress lost and that stuff, but look on the bright side as much as you can).

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