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9/20/2008 3:03:01 AM


SERVICES WILL RESUME [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=15526] click for full story [/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] maciver [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] PUN1SH3R438 It's useless lol, Bungie's low-res cameras and pixels prevent that from being possible...But like I said, Bungie just wants to show it off is all lol. (In reply to Jumper)[/quote] i no, its just i wanted him to know what it said, just to see if it will give him a clue that it is irrelevent to the whole thing, to help pass the time for him[/quote] True that, anything to pass time sounds good right about now. I've been sitting here waiting for answers for 5 and a half hours now...

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  • LOL @ The chick sittin down

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  • hope they dont start doing it

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Endo 117 Hey guys jumping back into this mess. Just read that last couple of pages I wasn't here for. Looks like no new info was found : / bummer. We might need to just wait until SI throws something else at us.[/quote] That's what I've been saying the whole time. I definitely agree. [Edited on 09.22.2008 5:44 PM PDT]

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  • lol ZOMG there were just 3 people in the doom room one actually sat down can you believe that =O

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  • people in lobby

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  • What about those packages on the Path of Doom cam? also arbiter looks really different on the Really Random Cam.

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  • More people! There's actually something happening!

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  • Hey guys jumping back into this mess. Just read that last couple of pages I wasn't here for. Looks like no new info was found : / bummer. We might need to just wait until SI throws something else at us.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] PUN1SH3R438 It's useless lol, Bungie's low-res cameras and pixels prevent that from being possible...But like I said, Bungie just wants to show it off is all lol. (In reply to Jumper)[/quote] i no, its just i wanted him to know what it said, just to see if it will give him a clue that it is irrelevent to the whole thing, to help pass the time for him but as i have siad before, i have been trying to find a hidden message in the tokyo prowler but, the its taking a letter more than 100 possible words or things you can do with this [Edited on 09.22.2008 5:41 PM PDT]

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  • not much just more dead ends

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  • No worries, nothing really new.

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  • very nice. do you have the shortcut so you just hold control and scroll up? very handy these days

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  • the light in that window is irrelevant, its just the clouds that change how bright or dark it is

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  • theres cams should be live feeds, not updates. stickam used ftw anybody?

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  • It's useless lol, Bungie's low-res cameras and pixels prevent that from being possible...But like I said, Bungie just wants to show it off is all lol. (In reply to Jumper) [Edited on 09.22.2008 5:38 PM PDT]

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  • Alright everyone I'm back now I left at around page 80...any new SI posts or new info? Please don't scream saying "z0mg noo0b G0 r34d da p0$T!!!!" Because I just did a lot of homework and do not feel like reading 40 pages of maybe absolute junk.

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  • i now know why it is called the path of doom and why the window keeps light ing up. the window is not a window it is a teleporte and people use it to get home and it doubles as a time machine and the boxes are filled with the new game which was finished in the future!@!!!

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  • person just entered on cam 2

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] maciver [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Bagina someone just quoted to kill a mockingbird and made it halo related rofl. if someone with dank vision can read the pax as soon as its legible please do, so at least we can rule it out.[/quote] lol ^_^ im working on pex right now, u see what i love about my big but screened mac is that u can zoom in on the screen to get better view, here ill tell you what i can read so far and to the whole To Kill a Mockingbird thing, its just a matter of my opinon.[/quote] The Pax letter has been there for so long i dont think it means anything but you never no

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] PUN1SH3R438 I'm back! Hallo! Wie Geits?[/quote] Welcome back, Punisher. Nothing much is new. Just people are trying to read the PAX form.

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  • woah, sorry for the double post, my pc lagged. [Edited on 09.22.2008 5:36 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Bagina someone just quoted to kill a mockingbird and made it halo related rofl. if someone with dank vision can read the pax as soon as its legible please do, so at least we can rule it out.[/quote] It's already been ruled out a while ago... Its just the PAX event list. No relation to SI or anything.. Bungie is just flaunting what they have. =D

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  • it just the si symbol its been looked at before [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SUPRA K88 anybody notice the bungie logo flashes something [/quote]

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  • Lower Porky To Wore Porky Lot We Pork Lo Troy lol, that anogram maker is great but 90% aren't even real words

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