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originally posted in: Bungie Weekly Update: 07.02.10
7/4/2010 2:25:13 AM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Not Zachary [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ALPHAxxDRAGON i bet the next three options are knife, belt, and color pattern if im right that would be awsome[/quote] I'm more than positive that you're correct with "Color Pattern" (or however it's labeled; camo pattern, w/e), and I'd like to think that the belt is another, unless it's part of, say, the chest piece. And if the belt is customizable, I think it's under a different name; possibly "Utilities", or just "Utility". Also, I was looking at a gameplay video of FF 2.0 during E3, and I thought I saw players' wrists looking differently, and they didn't look different gender-wise. If "Knife" isn't customizable (and I have doubts on this because I thought it would conflict with animations), then I will assume that "Wrists" is another. Just a thought.[/quote] you could be right about the wrists but the words both look to short for "utility" the shortest looks like it has 4 letters therefore "belt" and when i said knife i didnt really mean how the knife looks as much as the place it is located on your armor because in the picture the knife was on the shoulder in the beta it was on your belt(im pretty sure) [Edited on 07.03.2010 6:27 PM PDT]

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