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Edited by Shlags: 6/7/2015 8:42:10 PM


Keep last gen


Drop last gen it's over


I'm so tired of the next gen being held back because of the last gen. Developers just have to let go of last gen there over dead. Next gen would have bigger vaults and more if we weren't held back by last last gen. Who agrees? LETS GET BUNGIE TO DROP LAST GEN!!!!!!

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  • Boo hoo What are they going to do if only update next gen with the next dlc dumbass? Woo u got more vault space possibly, all the sales for pregen are gone. Think they can (will) add more content because only next gen being looked after too? Are you dumb?

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    4 Replies
    • What is this "next gen" you speak of?

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    • Feel free to buy a PC and play all the high end games you want. Then you won't be held back by next gen consoles.

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      4 Replies
      • Edited by Rising Sol: 6/8/2015 12:55:59 AM
        Work at gamestop, it's my fault you cheap SOB's won't buy a better and more technologically advanced machine, and that your 10 year old hunk of plastic literally can't run the new shit. Give me a break, get mad at yourself. Edit: OP not intended towards you, but towards the ones it's focused at.

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      • Just for those who don't know. Destiny was under production way before next Gen was around. It was made for old gen

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      • The taken king might be for current gen only, keep your fingers crossed.

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        10 Replies
        • Destiny was designed for last gen and ported to current gen. Stop complaining.

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          3 Replies
          • Too bad it is all about the money

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          • Drop last gen and make a PC port. Problem solved.

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            5 Replies
            • You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It's just common sense

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              13 Replies
              • Edited by Toketotem: 6/8/2015 12:23:59 AM
                They won't drop them until it's not profitable to keep supporting them. Lame, I know, but it is a business, and businesses are all about maximizing profits. Don't be mad at developers, be mad at everyone that refuses to upgrade.

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                3 Replies
                • Stop not supporting it you bastard!

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                • Just got destiny on the ps4. Been on the grind recently. Trying to get to 33 asap

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                  4 Replies
                  • u do also realise that without last gen u would'nt have the game! you'd have have to wait til D2 to play huh? it was always a last gen game!!!! ur nobility with elitism sucks like a new born! the game is an old gen game! just because they re-coded it so u can play it doesn't mean u own it!

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                    17 Replies
                    • the stuff ppl want in this game and try to blame last gen is hilarious, you obviously have never played any other game that has waaaaaaay more then Destiny, also this game was meant for last gen anyways

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                      19 Replies
                      • They should stop supporting consoles altogether. Release destiny as a board game like it was intended to be

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                        1 Reply
                        • Every DLC for Destiny 1 should be for last gen then they can move on to current gen only

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                          1 Reply
                          • It's going to be hilarious when Bungie drop last gen support. So many people are going to cry, haha.

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                            3 Replies
                            • You suck at this game so why does it even matter?

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                            • U Mad?

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                            • Timing is the word of the day. Games currently being deceloped are being developed for the next gen (this gen) consoles. Games that have been in production for the past 5 years or more (ala destiny) were naturally designed for previous generation because the current generation was not released at that time. Then those games were ported to the next gen with the release of said next gen. It is not a matter of support. It is a matter of timing. Any game that exists on both the former gen and current gen is a game that was designed for the previous gen. Then that game was repolished and redesigned to look nicer on the next gen consoles but ultimately it is the same game. Destiny is the prime example. And to contrast you can compare it to the witcher 3. Destiny has been in design for 7 years. Long before current gen. I believe witcher 3 was in production for 3 years. (as a side note this is hilarious as witcher 3 is a far more polished and well developed game with a lot of content but different genres so its like comparing apples and oranges.) Anyway. New games won't be released on former consoles. There is no concern.

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                            • They should not have made it for last-gen in the first place but because they did I think that they should support it until the sequel.

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                            • Just a matter of time. I welcome it and will only buy games current gen only. Sadly I'll miss out on mgs5 :( but hey principles are principles.

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                            • You should just change the total to "who is on next gen"

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                            • [quote] Next gen would have bigger vaults and more [/quote] Next gen actually does have bigger vaults sooooooo ya.

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                            • They will eventually. That doesn't help in the meantime however. I'm sure in development that destiny started on the last get systems. I'm sure they also made a deal with both Sony and Microsoft to produce the game for last gen being as though both companies can still profit on both the old systems. Once hardware limitations really catch up, and not just vault space/memory, and once...this is the key isn't as profitable, they will. That is the way with the consoles. Again it's no comfort now, but you won't be stuck with us too much longer I'm sure. When I'm left behind on my ps3, I will wither upgrade...or deal with it.

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