Halo 3 had people turn into flood while still alive. To be able to feel your mind slip away, your organs liquefy and reharden into large whip-like tentacles, and feel your ribcage crack open to allow the parasite to live inside. Sounds pretty violent to me.
definitly halo 3 because the killings of truth and how you sometimes see brutes killing marines is more personal because you get to know the guys better
Remember in Halo 1 when MC had to retrieve the implants from Captain Keyes, the original script had him removing the skull and taking out the implants, but Bungie removed it, because the skull's features were "too grotesque", and I definitely want to see that part of the game.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] kidd1337 if you think about it, Halo 3 probably is the most violent because as the years progressed from halo to halo 2 to the current halo 3, the level of tolerance for violence increased in modern society, and thus allowed bungie to create a more violent game. [/quote] Should I hand you a shovel? Halo: CE was the most violent, all you need to do is actually play the games to see this.
i thought the question was which one was most violent not most bloody. Of course the first one was the bloodiest. that's been established. now answer the question please
the blood stained hallways in halo 1......so pretty and majestic
Halo 1 had most blood.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] kidd1337 if you think about it, Halo 3 probably is the most violent because as the years progressed from halo to halo 2 to the current halo 3, the level of tolerance for violence increased in modern society, and thus allowed bungie to create a more violent game. [/quote] That's the biggest bunch of bull blam I've heard all day.
Halo: CE had a lot more blood...
if you think about it, Halo 3 probably is the most violent because as the years progressed from halo to halo 2 to the current halo 3, the level of tolerance for violence increased in modern society, and thus allowed bungie to create a more violent game.
hmmm....there all pretty equal, halo:ce did have some guys skull getting punched out. [Edited on 12.16.2008 8:06 PM PST]
There all shooting games, really no way to tell which is more violent.