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Edited by Shurshacker: 6/23/2015 7:25:09 PM

Destiny Healing Poetry Jam

Hey guys . I played destiny for over 100 hrs. Titan lvl 30. I feel like as a gaming community, with this terrible and shady tactic being shown by this famous developer, we need to heal and move past this game and these tactics. To start the healing process, I will be posting a poem that describes my experiences with this game Destiny. Please Please feel free to post your own. I will put up the best ones on this page. Thank you Thank you and I hope you enjoy. Labrynth of Shame By Chris H. PLAIN_SIGHT_DOC I really sometimes just stood in the opening starting area on earth staring into the LOD (background). Often wondering what it would be like to shape my own destiny in Destiny. Wondering what could have been. Looked at how gorgeous everything was where I could not go. Wished I could explore it, tell tales of places only i had seen. Then i realized that this sharade, the appearance of the surface , was just that. I then started to play. The game violently forcing me into cramped areas i could not escape. A labrynth of disapointment. And shame.for having dreamed about about a game I never played. :(

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