When you have B and C in this map. STOP FRIGGIN CAPPING A!!!!^^{^%{}^}**}
Ppl are stupid. Eight years from now idiots will still be capping A. You should come to terms with this.
If you have A to start you can try to push B like usual, but most of the time you get over taken. I played middle defense the other day and had an awesome time. Just waited for them to come out of the cave, circle room and C side. Was like taking candy from a baby.
Or just learn how to play the game.... I mean if I have b and c I'm not going to go cap a, that being said if I have a and b I'm not going for c. The only flag that matters is b. If your teammates keep flipping the spawn just stick around b.
Why when my whole team stands on a for load of points and holds down all zones relatively effectively? :P We love hoarding heavy ammo spawns, both spawns :P