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8/12/2015 5:19:17 PM
[quote]The Collector's Edition is mostly sold out, so the people who found that stuff valuable jumped at the chance. You'll likely see it sold on ebay for much more than what we're asking. But that's not the point. Right?[/quote] Condescend, much? Well, here's what I think about your bullshit attitudes towards what HAVE BEEN the most loyal and persistent fans. GO. -blam!-. YOURSELF. [quote]The real conversation here is: What are we doing to honor you, the players who have been bound to Destiny in this first year of action and adventure? I'm glad you asked. I'm going to answer in the Bungie Weekly Update.[/quote] No, that wasn't the REAL question. Nice to know your collective arrogance & condescension is going strong. /S And that answer was so memorable.... wait, I can't even remember anything worthwhile, or comparable to a physical edition of TTK for already existing players. All we get smug, asinine, prickish, rhetoric telling us what we want or think rather than actually listening to what we think and want. So, here's what I think about your overall douchebaggery towards the existing player base. GO. -blam!-. YOURSELF. I'm not touching TTK at what Bungie/Activision think it's "full retail" price should be. Nor will I get it until all the details about it's content have been checked out. You guys have a very bad habit of hyping up bullet points on the DLC that turn out being complete shit in practice. I have a feeling TTK will be NO different despite Bungie's protests to the contrary. So I guess we'll see once it's been out for a month or so, just whether those who actually play the game feel in regards to its "value" vs. content. I hope a HUGE part of the Destiny player base holds off on getting TTK right away. The only way to show a company like Activision, and apparently Bungie now, that they need to change how they do things is by making a dent in their bottom line.

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