Tomorrow, assuming everything goes as planned, Destiny Hot Fix will go live. One of the bigger issues that will be fixed will be the Husk of the Pit not dropping. The Husk is back and better than ever... well it's the same, but you will be able to get it now. It's drop rate is actually being increased.
"How much is it being increased?" you might ask.
Read the patch notes tomorrow that will be released at or around the same time the patch goes live, and the dev team will let you know. The Husk fix is not the only thing being changed/added and the patch notes will go into detail on some of the other small changes coming in See you in the morning Guardians.
[b]Edit:[/b] [url=]New patch incoming.[/url]
Conjuration raised to 18 [spoiler]I am but a shell of my former self[/spoiler]