Orbital Recon Battalion [ORB] is recruiting on Xbox One.
[ORB]s primary focus is to bring in new and veteran Guardians to work as a well polished unit. Many Guardians are taking on the Darkness alone. Fret no longer, [ORB] is now recruiting!
Our goal is to provide a place for adult Guardians to socialize, and enjoy Destiny with some help from your fellow brothers and sisters in the fight to secure the light and banish the darkness. We specialize in PVE but would like to establish a PVP team regiment.
Please be respectful of other members. Disrespect will not be tolerated in [ORB]. We welcome both men and women of any background. Time slots will be mainly PST but as we grow, we will incorporate as many time zones as we can accommodate.
A good attitude and voice capability is Required.
Ages: 21+
I'm up to join just sent a req