A lot of people bashed my video where I theorized Activision was behind the problems with Destiny. It's becoming more obvious Bungie isn't the problem here.
Come discuss it with me live if you'd like :: www.twitch.tv/saynotorage
Lawsuit proves how painful and unfair this all was for Marty O'Donnell. Lawsuit proves this was just damage control [url]https://www.bungie.net/7_There-are-those-who-said-this-day-would-never-come/en/News/News?aid=11484[/url] Lawsuit proves Bungie is no longer the creative studio they once were, but a large factory with 600 employees and deadlines to be met Marty would never under-perform, that was never in the cards for this man. 46:28 [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0q69Msy8ttM[/url] Some people stand up for artistic integrity. One is likely to get their hopes and dreams crushes when facing a bunch of suits and their lawyers though. This will probably get buried into the darkness as the audience for this game is too young to remember or care about past history. Go on with your discussions about supers and shiny butt flaps. It's really the only relevant topic at this point, right?