ok in game informer on the last page there is an quiz question 1 asks" Before oryx became the taken ming, murdering and enslaving countless creatures at his will he was:"
A: a sea traveler
B: a doting father
C: a little girl
D:all of the above
On the bottom of the page it says the answer to number 1 is [spoiler]D[/spoiler]
Figure out the rest...
How many months have we been listening to this "oryx transgender" garbage? Does it ever dawn on people the joke is over?
This is only the, I would say 10th post I've read about this. You know they have phones that act like a touch screen computer now? You can go on the internet and everything.
Edited by Haffoc: 8/24/2016 6:34:08 PMHive are most like Sequential hermaphrodites. They're one sex until they reach a certain stage. Oryx took the King morph which made him male. Savathun took the Wizard/mother morph making her fertile Hive quite likely all start out female, then some become males, some become fertile mothers, the others just remain as they are. King/Prince = male wizard/mother = female (fertile) Knight = either based on the fact Xivu is still female and a Knight. She leads by example. Thrall/Acolyte = female (not fertile)
How does this supprised people? Have you seen the hips on Oryx? They don't lie
He is Bruce Jenner. Yeah he still Bruce hah
No, they are genderless until they take their morphs. Thralls and Acolytes are genderless. If they live long enough and kill enough to satisfy their worm, they get to choose a morph: Knight (male) or Wizard (female) who then become breeders. Oryx became male when he tool the King Morph.
The Hive and proto-Hive are hermaphroditic. They are all born female but can become male through the King morph. He's not transgender as the change is a natural part of their race.
Edited by Scruffy: 8/23/2016 5:14:07 AMIt's because hive don't have genders like we do If you are a warrior then you are male and if you aren't you are female in hive (basic explanation)
This is true, in the book of sorrows he starts out as a female but turns into a male.