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Edited by Wiki-GT11: 10/20/2016 10:57:25 PM

SUNSINGERS UNITE - Bungie please Listen - Buffs For Support, tweaks, general Fixes, Silimar nerfing ETC.

EDIT 1: Keep it coming guys, post your feedback, Hope Bungie see this. EDIT 2: Yeah I know pushing like a Phalanx Shileld is too much, what I'm trying to say is that Solar Wind does need to push a bit harder. EDIT 3: It seems a 20 m aura is too much, reducing it to a Radius of 11 m. EDIT 4: I understand some of these buffs are too much, and might even be OP, my purpose is to share ideas, generate feedback and raise awareness about Sunsingers. Thank you all. [b]The purpose[/b] of this post is generate a much needed awareness about Sunsingers, It's fine if you don't agree. Buffs are subject to change. BUNGIE I know you've read this at least once, do your best would you? Thanks, from a Veteran Warlock. [b][u]BUFFS[/u][/b] [b]-Radiance general changes[/b] 1. Radiance now inherently affects your allies. 2. [b]Song of Flame[/b] (Abilities cooldown for your allies) [b]becomes intrinsic to Radiance[/b] 3. [b]You[/b] and your [b]allies[/b] under the effect of Radiance [b]receive a 50% boost to recovery and +5 Agility.[/b] 4. Radiance now has a [b]visible AOE dome to encourage players rally together and let them know where the Sunsinger is, so they can recharge their buffs.[/b] 5. The [b]AOE[/b] dome will have a [b]radius of 11 meters.[/b] 6. Players can pass through the AOE to regain their buffs, just like Ward of Dawn. 7. Further details; *For you, the Sunsinger, [b]Radiance will now recharge Grenades and Melees as if you had Tier 5 Stats.[/b] This is, no more inconvenience for having poor Discipline and Strength Stats, you’ll always get the most out Radiance. [b]Thus the new Radiance would read “Fill [i]yourself[/i] and your [i]allies[/i] with solar light, [i]dramatically increasing the effectiveness of your abilities, recovery and agility[/i].”[/b] [b]-Song of Flame 2.0[/b] 8. With the new SoF, you and your allies’ [b]weapons will constantly replenish ammo from existing reserves, no need to reload. Really good buff for Boss DPS.[/b] [b]-Flameshield[/b] 9. Revert the nerf on recharge time. It takes 33% more time than average melees. [b]-Solar Wind[/b] 10. It will now push harder, 1/3 of Phalanx Shield strength. Something considerable to justify the perk. [b]-Brimstone[/b] 11. Enemies damaged by Brimstone explosion will ignite. [b]-Sunburst[/b] 12. In addition to Orb generation on melee kills, all [b]orbs generated by the Sunsinger will recharge Grenade and Melee abilities for your Allies on pick up.[/b] [b]-Firebolts[/b] 13. Revert the nerfs on Range and arming time. [b]-Angel of Light[/b] 14. [b]Provides “Icarus” for all weapons. Under Radiance Angel of Light allows for extensive, faster Gliding[/b] to have some much needed mobility around the map. I need to point this out; Memory of Silimar is a [b]DIRECT NERF[/b] on Sunsingers, I'm having [b]players living through 2 of my firebolts with Burn when they should've died, just to give you an Idea of how messed up this is[/b]. [b]Bungie you give us this artifact as if OG Viking Funeral and Y1 Thorn were still around, don’t you see Sunsingers are biting the dust in PVP? C'mon guys![/b]
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  • The salt on the forums would be biblical. The ensuing chaos would be like blowing an air horn through a megaphone in a maternity ward.

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  • Edited by zombfrogslayer: 10/21/2016 6:47:28 PM
    Your not asking for all just some right? If you just want some I fully agree

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    4 Replies
    • I'm a warlock main, and this is just literally changing the whole subclass which isn't right... It will be way to over powered with all thoes buffs and we can all agree.

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      5 Replies
      • Used to main sunsinger.... Voidwalker now. Sunsinger is so weak now!!!! I have had success running sunbreakers, solar grenade, vf, and touch and a bullet hose auto rifle.... Shotgunners are bullheaded, jump back throw grenade at their feet and just melt them with auto.... Lots of fun.

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      • Finally. We have the tank Titans( I've never met one that can't shrug a couple dozen rounds off), the dps hunter(tether me boi, golden gun, and the room clearing blade of arc), now we need the true MMO place for the warlock: healer! We have so much potential! We are almost already a asset again!

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      • Yes pls all of this all of it pls bungie halp us sun singer mains

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      • This is currently the best set up for the sunsing -solar grenade - song of flame - flame shield - Viking funeral - touch of flame - sun breakers Burn the world

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        5 Replies
        • You kidding me? 1/3 or Phalanx shield push is still instant death! OP!

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        • Holy crap! This stuff turns the Sunsinger into a terrifying god-like juggernaut.

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          3 Replies
          • (Btw I main a hunter mostly) I agree that sun singers are underpowered. I very much respect you not saying to bring back Viking touch nades and I very very much agree with your suggested changes. I think with the knock back melee you gotta be careful cause imagine being able to make player die of misadventure by punching them next to a wall... But other than that nades definitely need range buff to compete with other types, melee definitely needs a normal charge time, I like the idea of the intrinsic stat boots on radiance considering it's supposed to be a support class. But most of all I want icarus on angel of light cause it gives warlocks that little nudge to using vertical space competitively.

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          • As it stands right now Sunsingers are below average when it comes to supporting the team. Titans have Defender, Hunters have Nightstalker, and Warlocks have Sunsinger... if you want to count that as helpful. Before anyone says anything I know Sunsinger with Fusion grenades can put out some serious DPS, but I think they should be able to compete with Titans and Hunters. Weapons of light can give all teammates 25% more weapon damage and with Illuminated it goes up to 35%. Melting point applies a 50% debuff on a single target instantly. Tether applies a 35% debuff on any enemies caught within the tether. Viking Funeral can stack up to 3 times for a maximum of 15% more damage to a single enemy. I propose a change to Viking Funeral to bring it more in line with the other 2 classes damage buffs. Instead of Viking Funeral stacking up to 3 times for 15% more damage,  how about Bungie removes the stacking and makes it an instant 25% debuff. (Similar to how Melting Point works.) So every time a burn is applied it would put a 25% debuff on the target and if another burn is applied it just resets the timer of the debuff. I feel that 25% is a good number because the debuff can be applied by grenades or melee so if it were any higher it would make Tether and Melting Point obsolete. 25% would be less than both of those while still providing a significant boost to dps. I think that this is exactly what Sunsingers need to truly be classified as "Support". Please feel free to give your thoughts and if you agree let's get this trending so Bungie can see it and hopefully do something about it.

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            11 Replies
            • The only class that can generate orbs with guns needs a air buff as well?

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            • I'm enjoying not having to rely on sunsinger anymore. Run pretty much everything as a void walker. Good for smashing captains in the raid.

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            • Well, do you want to make sunsingers godlike with those changes ? Slow down dude. Btw, this retarded artifacts does not only influence sunsingers you know? Nightstalkers got punched in the face too. All nightstalker granades deal AOE. Now when you throw void wall people dont give a shit as they get 5 dmg instead of 20 ^^ I guess bungie 'testers' and 'genious team' didn't forseen such effects. It's kind of stupid that some artifacts BUFF some subclasses (sprint - striker, or all other classes benefict from detailed radar when nightstalker got it implemented so its basiclly useless, and the other artifacts are killing other sublcasses like they AOE dmg and nightstalker I talked about above) They don't know their own game ? :P

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              • #buffthorn

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              • Buff Thorn

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              • Bump

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              • Song of flame already reduces cooldown for allies ..... Unless that changes somewhere down the road

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                • Bump

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                • Sorry Nope

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                  2 Replies
                  • Good suggestions. Not all of them are viable, and certainly not all together, but there are some fun and powerful ideas. I've been a sunsinger main since I started. I used to think the class was still OK after the latest nerfs, but I started using voidwalker in earnest and sunsingers suck by comparison. They really, really, really suck compared to voidwalker. It's an incorrect choice to use sunsinger in pvp. The class is still good in pve.

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                    • As a sunsinger main no... just no

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                      2 Replies
                      • I main Sunsinger, and it definitely needs a buff, but this sounds a little op. I think simply increasing the effectiveness of a few of the perks would be enough

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                      • Just make sunsingers have the OG viking funeral during super. Bam! Competitive again. Oh and fix the arming time when not in super.

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                      • I was thinking about buffing Brimstone by giving it the ability to chain explosions similar to how Explosive Pyre works for the Sunbreaker. Maybe have it to where it only has a chance of happening because I think it would be a little OP if it happened every time.

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                        • I agree that they need some type of buff but let's start with the subclass with the lowest kd average first.

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