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originally posted in: The Flood's Lifehacker Thread
4/8/2011 6:34:34 PM
[b]Community Lifehacks (Generated By You!)[/b] [i]To Enter One, Post Some Info You Found Out In Your Life![/i] [b]Part 2 Found On Next Post[/b] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] coolmike699 Cell phone cameras can see infrared light. Point your remote at your cell phone camera and press a button. You'll see the end light up. [/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BRICKchiken I read somewhere that instead of buying creams and medical -blam!- for acne, you can just put a clean towel over your pillow before you go to bed. It clears up that nasty pizza face quick.[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] LoftyDaDan Want to turbocharge your sled? Spray the bottom with nonstick cooking spray.[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] LoftyDaDan Can't find someone to water your plants while you're away? Place the plant on a water-soaked diaper, so it slowly absorbs water over time.[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] LoftyDaDan Want to make stale coffee taste fresh again? Add a few grains of salt and nuke it for one minute.[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Gondile If you need to lock something (a house door?) but you don't currently have a key, thrust a bobby pin into it and shake it around violently. It usually locks it. It's worked about at least 3 times for me.[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DynamicVamp If you don't use the alarms on your phone, then set them for random moments throughout the day (especially when visiting somewhere). This way, if it gets lost, just wait for one of the alarms to go off.[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SkilPhil In the UK, if you see a pedestrian crossing with a button for the lights, feel under the box for another button - this will turn the lights to red immediately, I think its for blind people when they need to cross the road. It is also fairly rare to find ones with this button fitted but its a beast when you do find one. [url=]Here's an image[/url]. [/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ACIDkillzNOOBz Having a hard time taking a dump? Place a pile of books under your feet whilst on the can so that your knees are above the level of your sphincter. This relaxes your butt muscles, making it easier to crap.[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] VanAlioSaldo [b]GameStop Online Codes w/pictures![/b] [b]Step One:[/b] Select a Code you wish to use [url=]From Here.[/url] [url=]For you Reading Impaired ;P[/url] [b]Step Two:[/b] Select a Game you wish to buy, once found, click 'Add to Cart'. [url=]Do Want.[/url] [b]Step Three:[/b] Input the Promotional Code where prompted. [url=]Prof-- wait, I skipped a step I think...[/url] [b]Step Four:[/b] Complete the Check Out and be on your way. If you can't figure out the online check out then please ask your parents, guardians, or friends for all I care to help you along the way. [b]Step Five:[/b] Patience, depending on what code you used you'll save money or eradicate shipping and handling costs. There's tons of websites that hold coupon codes like these out there, you just need to Google search them next time, you'll save a good portion of money if you use them smartly. Oh, and be patient as when you buy online the game needs to be processed, packed and shipped to you. Try to do this on a Monday or Sunday as business days do not include Sunday and Saturday and people only do the packaging and shipping on weekdays, NOT weekends. [b][i]Disclaimer:[/i][/b] I am unsure if it is possible to stack coupon effects with each other, I have never personally been able to do it but you may get lucky, so if you have the time to bother with give it a try.[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Isaac Clarke You can take the edge off your headache if you pinch the flat part of your ear [url=]below the top "rim".[/url][/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DynamicVamp Whenever you are eating somewhere like McDonalds or Burgerking, or anywhere that has free refills ALWAYS get the smallest drink. It cost less, and you'll still be able to drink as much as you would with a large.[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Slendyy Wanna know how to make an Ipod touch a phone? Add skype on it. Yes, you can add skype on an Ipod touch.[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] NinninKip777 If your dog is in a sitting position or laying down and you want to sit or lay next to it without moving, try walking backwards towards it. This way it won't get up from and start moving from it's position because it thinks you want to play (Or because it's scared of you). This even works with my hyper Jack Russel Terrier.[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] A Dumb Door How To Punch Correctly: Get a friend who is really good at taking punches. Now, get some form of pillow or soft object. Professional grade sparring gear is best, though. Now, have him hold the soft surface against his body. Now punch it normally, and have your friend remember how hard that hit was. That will be ranked 5/10. Now, completely tense up your body as much as you can and punch the pillow. Your strike will mostly likely be less powerful. Now, completely relax your body. Take some deep breaths. When ready, punch with the front two knuckles, keep your wrist completely straight, and don't pull your fist back when it makes contact. Instead, push slightly at the point of contact. Also, exhale when you strike. If done right, your friend has probably fallen over from the force. When you are tense, your own body holds itself back. And when you pull back your punch as soon as the punch connects, your punch doesn't penetrate past the skin and connective tissue. If you push slightly, the punch resonates throughout the whole body and transfers better. Also, keeping the wrist straight is key.[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] VanAlioSaldo [i]How to fix a smelly room when you lack the proper tools[/i] i.e candles, febreeze, incense, etc... Step 1: Go to the store and buy an orange, it can be any kind of orange as long as its ripe and ready to be eaten. Step 2: Buy a grater, cheese grater can work and even a knife could work, but the grater will be the more adequate tool for the job. Step 3: Enter said smelly room (like your own if it's become your man cave, or domain). Step 4: Take the orange out, and now take the grater out. Step 5: You're going to use the grater on the skin of the orange until you reach the flesh underneath it, then continue doing so on another part of the orange. Step 6: Walk out of room Walk back into room Smell ????? Profit Explanation: Oranges, especially ripe ones contain a massive amount of fluid inside the skin, if you're ever watched Dexter on showtime and even cut open an orange with a knife you'll see that the skin bleeds out or spurts out a mist. This mist is moisture and it has a very thick scent of fresh orange (even better than any artificial cleaner actually). When you grate the skin you not only force this moisture out in large amounts, but due to a scientific term called diffusion, the scent will travel as wide as it can (reason why you smell muffins on the other side of the house). Because the scent is so heavy and strong, diffusion will make it spread to the entire room and more than likely it will overpower any other smelly smells it may encounter. Oh, and its cheaper than buying a 5 dollar can of Lysol at Fry's...[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] old bad dog How to Restrict Access to Folders and Files *Requires multiple users on your PC, or this is useless. Also, you do not need to have Administrator Privelages. 1. Close all and any window/folder on your computer. 2. Go to your folder/file properties. 3. Go to the "Security" tab at the top. 4. Click the nice little "Edit" button. *You should see a box with the user ID's. 5. Click on any of them and hit "remove." *Now they can't see that folder unless they are on your user. ***What to do in case of "Inheritance Permissions."*** 1. Go to "Security" tab, click "Advanced." 2. Click "Edit." 3. Select the user you want to deny. 4. Uncheck the box at the bottom where it says "Include Inheritable Permissions From This Object's Parent." 5. It will give you a pop-up. Click remove. *You will notice there are no users that have permission to view. Just search for your user and click "Add." Give yourself full control, by checking the "Full Control" box. *Doing this also completes the top half of this, so there is no repetitiveness involved. This is also helped by having a password on your profile.[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mr STRING CHESE Here's a tip: Instead of buying a Root Beer float at the restaurant, just buy a small soda and order some ice cream. It's usually cheaper and you can get free refills on soda.[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] EVILBAD666 Want great mac and cheese? Just take any noodles or your favorite shape or whatever and just add american cheese after they're cooked[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Nebowski Eating an apple helps you get rid of bad breath, at least for a while. It's healthy and better than candybars, too, if you're feeling hungry. Pretty sure most fruits help, though.[/quote] [Edited on 05.02.2011 12:42 PM PDT]

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