[b]What Bungie had to say about it[/b]
Before you tell me to "get gud," as most of the unintelligent, uninformed individuals say on the forums, let it be known that not only am I a top 20 Rumble player, and have been in the top 50 for well over a year, but I regularly do competitive scrims and am about to begin to compete in Gamebattles.
Ghost bullets are a buzzword and community created term, that describes bullets that hit their target, but don't register. This is commonplace on handcannons and shotguns, where one's shot could've been landed perfectly, but didn't register.
Bungie refers to this as "Bloom" which also appeared in Halo, but was removed after community outrage. It seeks to decrease bullet registration when rapidly pulling the trigger on a semi-auto weapon. However this can't possibly be the extent of it, as even firing slowly can still cause this to initiate, and these issues were not reported before the launch of TTK last year.
The way this reduces the skill-gap is quite simple: your accuracy is luck based. It's up to RNG; even the best players in the world can confirm this, including TripleWRECK, Wish You Luck, nKuch, and various others. This feature systemically punishes skilled players by limiting their abilities through basing their aim on luck.
Even average and below average players suffer due to this. It limits their abilities as well; not to mention how rage inducing it is to know you just died because your bullets didn't register, and not from anything you did.
If Bungie ever wants Destiny to succeed as a bona fide eSport, and be up in rank with CoD and Halo, they must fix the hit detection issues that have been plaguing us for over 15 months. This needs to stop, and I hope Bungie makes the right decision.
Top 1% in rumble. 100% agree. When I get ghost bullets with my Last word this is what happens Me: Oh look an enemy, hes dead. Me: *Fires last word* Hit, Miss, Miss, Miss, Hit, Miss Miss, Miss, Hit Me: What the hell? I was not even 3 feet away. -blam!-ing Ghost bullets
BORING!!! We don't care what rank you are in any playlist 😂👍🏻
Edited by Ward of Dawn: 11/19/2016 10:01:24 PMGit gud
If Bungie didn't want hand cannons firing that fast they should have lowered the fire rate instead of adding ghost bullets. It makes no sense.
I've seen you in Rumble before. Can testify, one of those people who you really don't want to see in your Rumble match. In my experience as a top 500 rift player, RNG breaks the game. When 50% of people are using Palindromes, a significant amount of gunbattles come down to your handcannon shooting air. Even worse than that: latency often causes a barrel-bunged shotgun shell to do no damage. It removes a skill gap because it means that the game requires luck, rather than skill.
Edited by StrictlyTy: 11/18/2016 10:12:31 PMYou're such a tool. As if you being a top 20 player makes your opinion more valid than everyone else's.
It also supports the use of spammy weapons. A weapon that is made to lay down a hail of hell is one that does better in this type of system. Why go with the hand cannon at all when a fast fire rate pulse rifle is soooo sooooo soooo much easier to work with.
Want another handcannon video??? [spoiler]Here you go https://youtu.be/XHMnm5TdQlg[/spoiler] You said it best and idk why people argue against it. Precision should [b]never[/b] have to rely on luck. I shouldn't have to aim for your head [b]and[/b] hope the game gives me the hit. That defeats skill and leaves encounters to luck. A game that puts requires luck can't be very competitive.
Too many times a gunfight is based on whose gun dosent screw them over. Bump
Handcannons are fine. I never ever used them. Thought they were only for amazing players. I couldn't use them, honestly. Well a couple weeks ago I started using an ill will. And wow. They are so much better than auto rifles. 2 body, 1 head, dead. With luck in the chamber 2. I constantly get 2 kills with 4 bullets. That's just stupid. I'm not an amazing player now because I use them. But I can stay close quarters and win almost any gun fight that doesn't involve abilities.
Snipers have bloom too now
You're not even max LL You have the Last Word equipped You main a Titan Are some of the stupid things this community says. I don't expect you ever say any of these things. I agree with you, I enjoyed the read, 10/10 would bang!
Edited by Spamz: 11/18/2016 6:57:55 PMMoar super competitive opinions: I get what Bungie's going for, here. They're trying to represent each weapon class as having unique accuracy statistics. For a game like Battlefield, where the simulation is chaotic and involves tons of players, tons of ammunition loaded into each weapon, varying projectile speeds, bullet drop, fast kill-times, and a generally slower pace to player movement (a generally more "realistic" sim), base accuracy decrease and per-shot accuracy reduction makes sense. This is Destiny, where characters are literally flying, floofing, and bouncing around - every shot counts in competitive matches. Base accuracy should always be one hundred percent - per-shot accuracy reductions have no place here either!! Reducing a player's accuracy outside of their own ability to aim, in Destiny, really hurts the gameplay. Precision is the key word when it comes to gunfights in Destiny. We're talking the difference between winning and losing, decided by a single gunfight over a power position or ammo crate. Securing the fastest time to kill is the priority, and in a competitive scenario, either player, with hand cannon ready to go, isn't going to even [i]consider[/i] pacing their shot - they know exactly where to aim, and how to counter the recoil of their weapon of choice. This means that they're gunning for the fastest possible kill, but being denied often enough due to the base accuracy reductions and spread-increases for repeat shots. This same issue was present in Halo: Reach, and manifested itself in almost the same way. Two players engage in close quarters with the DMR. Either player is firing as fast as they can, because pacing their shots simply [i]isn't worth it[/i] when the chances of scoring that 5-shot kill are still [i]relatively high[/i] at max bloom in comparison. The exact same issue exists here - you simply won't feel the benefits of pacing your shots in Destiny, because the player gunning for the fastest kill-time still has an alright chance of scoring it. On the flip-side, you can still lose out, even in close-quarters, because of the spread-increase. Can't you see that this system favors nobody? All it really does is restrict high skill-bracket gameplay to a minimal selection of weaponry, where the range stat is absolutely king (in the case of hand cannons - other archetypes have their own minmax setups). Why is everybody using the vendor palindrome? Because its base accuracy is the highest, which means its the most consistent across the board, unless you're willing to play classic FFA for hours and hours in hopes of rolling a better eyasluna. Basically, Destiny's accuracy mechanics are trying in some respects to emulate a "realistic" simulation, where barrel length determines the accuracy of a weapon. If this is the case, Bungie, I'd like to turn your attention to [url=https://www.youtube.com/user/hickok45]hickock 45's channel[/url]. He's got literally hundreds of videos in which he drives all kinds of ammo from short barreled pistols and revolvers of all makes and models onto small targets from hundreds of yards away. Even if the intention was simply to divide weapon accuracy based on class, in Destiny, this shouldn't mean reductions to base accuracy or spread fire increase. The only weapons in which I can see how you'd make a case for accuracy reductions as you're shooting are auto rifles, but other than that, shots should be landing in the center of your crosshair, with range determining damage drop off and magnetism radius'/proc distance, and stability determining weapon kick, and recoil decrease parameters, with recoil direction being tied to the weapon archetype or individual weapon. And that's that.
Hey, top 25 no mention of aim assist? until destiny drops that lil bit of none sense it will never be Legit..it's why i never took there pvp for anything but a joke. when i can point my gun and it starts to track my rival on it's OWN? with perks that help you out even more.. eSport doubt that, making some kid have half a chance of not getting creamed and stick with the game i'll put money on that.
Lost all credibility when you brought up stats, my friend.
I dont see players like nkuch, triplewreck or wish really miss with handcannons. Unless they spam the r2 button. The one and only tine it exists is when you dont allow the recoil pattern to complete.
[quote]Even average and below average players suffer due to this. It limits their abilities as well; not to mention how rage inducing it is to know you just died because your bullets didn't register, and not from anything you did.[/quote] THIS. SO -blam!-ING MUCH THIS. It is one of the most infuriating things to die even though you are absolutely certain that your bullet would have hit were it not RNG based. It's one of those things that turns an okay match into a throw-your-controller, yell-at-your-cat, type of match (not really, don't yell at your cat they don't deserve it). And Bungie's nonchalant attitude and constant statement that bloom is somehow "necessary" is not only false--it's utterly ridiculous. They know that they could fix it very easily and yet they choose not to. This combined with the sprint lock bullshit, lag, lag, dead, and SBMM issues leads me to believe that Bungie cares only about one thing--making a rage game. They don't really care about the players enjoying the game; only that they create an environment conducive to rage
Those aren't ghost bullets on shotguns they are taking some damage and I think the last one lagged a bit so his computer was behind his opponents computer.
Playing destiny with hand cannons reminds me of running a melee class in TES:Morrowind (5dmg,miss,miss,miss,miss, oh shit now I'm dead lol)
Bumpity bump
Couldn't agree more. In most older FPS games, the most effective weapons were also the hardest to use. A great example is the MW2 quickscoping community. There were assault rifles with laser stability and no damage falloff that could kill in two bullets anywhere to the body. Yet you would still run into lobbies full of people using snipers effectively in close quarters. Apparently that's bad for business because most new fps games have nerfed quickscoping. Newer players get frustrated when they get outplayed by people who have spent significant time and energy learning to master precision weapons. They might get turned off to multiplayer and not spend money on dlc or a sequel. Hence the increase in flinch to sniper rifles and the ghost bullets currently plagueing handcannons. Bungie don't want a competitive game, they want a casual game where someone with zero experience can hop in and do good in pvp.
bungie made it very clear in one of their weekly posts that its not BLOOM if it were bloom you would have perfect accuracy after you hold still for a few sec. they clearly said it was just accuracy. and more range somehow equals more accuracy. and it obviously gives more range. and more aim assist. is shouldn't be called range but RangeNG
Bungie just want everyone to hsve a 50% win rate and a 1.0. "Everyone is a winner" Keep in mind bungie have no idea what they are doing. Lucky they are only in chrage of a crappy laggy game and nothing important.
Whahahahahhahahahhhahahaah. Many, many players experience this from DAY 1!!! You should consider yourself lucky for being able to play PvP normally for this long. I played crucible for more then 1000 hours and it made me a grumpy person. Almost every single crucible match i have that mad feeling in my stomach. And i play FPS every day from 2002. Destiny reminds me of 2000-2007 FPS. I hate it's PvP, but i'm addicted to it.