When will the console makers, ISP's, infrastructure owners and game companies get together and agree to deliver a standard that removes lag/latency/jitter etc from our game world ??? What will it take, do us players have to form a pressure group, or a union and go on strike, or just give up playing???
Online games should carry a standard mark indicating that they have produced their game inaccordance within the standard e.g. Destiny AAA rating = 99% lag free *when played on ISP with the same rating and console with same. We deserve better than what we have right now, the amount of lag and the number of players I have played against and alongside this week in the Iron Banner with less than a full green bar is too many, far too many for it to be called good for gaming, it's not good for this game nor for the industry in general!!
When will the entire world have free, fast, reliable internet 24 hours a day? There's your answer.