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1/28/2017 6:04:52 PM

Probably the Best Palindrome EVER (PROBABLY!)

Shax has granted me one of the best Palindromes ever in the crucible. Now I don't know what roll you may have on your pali or if you are still stuck with the vendor roll. But this roll has to be one of the nastiest in the crucible. The Roll is: Sureshot Icarus Rifled Barrel Luck in the chamber. I used it and it is by far something serious lol. Comment down below your roll and btw if you have the exact roll except LIC is Hidden Hand... I envy you :'( well somewhat! Oh and I made a Youtube video on this as well! If you want to check it out it would be much appreciated :). Also if you enjoyed drop a comment saying you came from reddit and subscribe if you want! My Perfect God Roll Palindrome

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