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Edited by Cyfer: 1/24/2019 2:36:50 PM

FANFICTION: Delta Ch2 Part 1

[b]The Escape[/b] BOOM! The room shook as the explosion rang out through the complex. “The Fallen are closing in on us!” exclaimed the ghost. “Can you fight?” he asked his new companion. “All systems appear to be functional”, replied the exo. “Good. That’s good. There are weapons in this room.” The ghost led Delta to the open crate he found earlier. “This… Mida, should still work.” Delta picked up the weapon as well as the ammunition that lay beneath it. He stuffed the magazine into its slot and locked it into place. “This will do just fine”, he said, looking down the gun’s sights. BOOM! The explosion was closer now. “They are opening the vaults one by one”, said the ghost. “It’s time to go.” The two made their way into the entry room where the ghost opened the door to the hallway. Then, to Delta’s surprise, the ghost disappeared before his very optics. “Don’t worry I’m still here.” assured the ghost. Delta nodded his head in acknowledgement and slowly peeked through the door, Mida armed. Down the hall towards the central hub, two creatures stood guard at a vault door that had been blown wide open. Delta evaluated the threat that would no doubt stand between him and his exit. These aliens were smaller than he was, humanoid in appearance, save for their multiple glowing eyes. “Dregs”, observed the ghost. “You can take them.” The exo took a deep breath and slowly stepped into the hallway, aiming his weapon at the Fallen. Delta couldn’t remember much of anything, but the gun felt familiar in his hands, as if he had done this a million times. Without a second thought, Delta double tapped the trigger and both dregs fell to the floor, spewing ether from their heads. “Impressive!” said his ghost. Delta smiled the best way his mechanical face could. He didn’t know how, but he was a really good shot. The satisfaction was short lived however, as the sound of crackling electricity could be heard from the vault. Through the gaping hole another alien adversary stepped into the hallway. It roared at the sight of its fallen companions and turned to see Delta at the end of the corridor. This particular Fallen was larger than the others and had four arms, two of which holding blades that pulsed with electricity. Delta aimed his weapon at the creature, but was surprised when it vanished. “That can’t be good. I’ve seen this before”, said his ghost. “It’s cloaked. Keep your eyes peeled.” Delta stood motionless, watching for any sign of movement. It was only mere seconds, but to him it felt like minutes. The anticipation annoyed Delta, and sparked a series of cognitive procedures in the deep recesses of his programming. He began to wonder how it was he was even in this situation. Questions began to flood his artificial brain. Where is he? What is he? Why can’t he remember anything? Delta began to become aware of more than just his surroundings. He was so quickly consumed in thought that he almost didn’t catch the electric spark in the corner of his optics. He reacted as fast as he could, jumping back as the Fallen’s blades passed inches from his face. The surprise attack caused Delta to drop his weapon. “Look out!” warned his ghost. [i]‘Right’[/i] Delta thought to himself. [i]‘Fight now, questions later.’[/i] The bloodthirsty alien wasted no time in attacking again. The creature swung one blade after another. It was all Delta could do to dodge them, unable to retrieve his gun. However, something strange began to happen. Delta was learning the alien’s moves. With each swing it became easier to dodge and more predictable. Little did Delta know that his own combat protocols were hard at work, tracking his opponent’s every strike. In no time at all, Delta had discovered a pattern in the Fallen’s fighting style. It always kept its left foot forward, and its attacks were a random combination of three different types of swings. Delta compiled the data and waited for the opportune moment. Sure enough, the Fallen’s very next attack was a charging thrust. With one simple side step the blade completely missed, and Delta took his chance. He kicked the Fallen square in the chest. The creature fell on its back, shocked by the hard, sudden strike. While it was in a daze, Delta knelt over the Fallen, and killed the beast with one powerful punch into its face. “Wow”, commented his ghost. “Good job.” With that Delta picked up the Mida and began to make his way to the hub. “You ok?” asked his ghost. “For a moment there it seemed you were zoning out on me.” The exo nodded. “I’m fine. I seem to still be booting up my background cognitive protocols.” If they survived this, Delta had more than a few questions for whoever might have answers. “Fascinating,” observed his ghost. “You must have an impressive system of intelligent functions.” This confused Delta. “What is that supposed to mean?” he asked. His ghost chuckled a little. “It means you’re really smart.” Soon the pair reached the exit of the northwest wing. Around the corner was the hub, and Fallen chatter could be heard not too far away. “Alright,” started the ghost. “Unfortunately we don’t have many options here. The place is crawling with Fallen, but if we can make it to the hanger there are several operational warships that can get us out of here.” Delta readied himself and primed his weapon. “I will get us there.” He wasn’t sure where this sudden confidence came from, but it was almost as if he knew he was going to succeed. Something was growing inside him. Something strange. Something powerful. Now was the time to act. “Let’s do this,” he said, and he dashed from behind the corner to face his foes. Delta immediately identified a group of Fallen near the center console, and unloaded into them. In a matter of seconds all enemy combatants laid in a pool of their own ether. It was impressive marksmanship, but Delta had no time to admire his handiwork as arc lasers flew past him from the snipers stationed above. One by one, Delta took out the snipers as he rolled from cover to cover. After the last Fallen sniper fell to the bottom floor without its head, Delta collected his bearings. He stood near the center of the hub, the power inside of him practically bursting at the seams. Before he could make a move towards the hanger, several more Fallen dropped in from the skiff hovering above the hub. Dregs and Vandals now surrounded him, weapons drawn, but they did not fire. [i]‘What are they waiting for?’[/i] thought Delta. Suddenly there was a flash of light from the skiff as a transmat was initiated. Behind the ring of aliens, a large Fallen warrior materialized. It was a Captain, and he was angry. For several seconds Delta and the Captain locked eyes, waiting for one another to make a move. The Captain roared, and the ring of Fallen opened fire. [url=]Part 2[/url] [url=]The Hub[/url]

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