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originally posted in: Credit Reset Disputes - 5/24/2011
5/25/2011 2:15:22 AM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] tb4u2222 I request a review of my account Tb4u22. Looking at my games I do see a few (maybe 1 or 2 a day if that) games that appeared I may have been idle during Firefight play. 1. As an on call IT consultant, I sometimes have to take phones calls and need to get up and walk away. Sometimes returning just a minute later. 2. The commendation called "perfection" requires you to complete a round without dieing. I can honestly admit they they're have been times I have played a defense mode and only gotten a few thousand points in firefight. 3. Also, many times if my teammates quit, I may not choose to quit being that Bungie offers jackpots for those who do not quit. Ergo, if all my teammates quit, I get a penalty for quitting, If I try to play, I get owned by 50 enemies, so I may just walk away to avoid missing out on credit jackpots I have missed. 4. I actually agree with this ban because I constantly see people not playing, however, being that I play a lot of arena, ranked gold, I DO NOT credit boost, simply see firefight as a lighter game than specific team matchmaking, and being on-call allows me to enjoy it as often as I can.. What else should I play with a job where I may have to get up here and there that I can work with a team? You can PM for any other details be it questions, job proof, or any other dispute but I truly consider my account as carry-on, I've been a valid member of the halo community since CE with montages, forum posts, machinima, and non stop fun, do not ruin this for me because I have an actual job? I thank you in advance for your reply and respect any decisions being made as I love to see action taken against those who seek what they do not deserve. -Tb4u22 [/quote] [url][/url] There are a few more I could find but Im too lazy to link them

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