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10/27/2017 3:39:06 PM

suggestion for "Crucible tuning like adjusted Supremacy scoring and better spawning rules"

Pick up your teams crest +2 points Enemy picks up your teams crest +3 for them / -1 for us or something. in random fireteams, its a hit or miss, heck even in full fireteams, everyone gets slap happy with shooting and killing where they FORGET THE OBJECTIVE I wrote to this issue almost 2 years ago. Best fix is a penalty that has each team realizing points will be lost if you dont play objective, or better SET A TIMER FOR THE CREST TO DISAPPEAR after a certain amount of seconds, and ding the team's crest -1 point and let the enemy team just be. I LOVE SUPREMACY...its a fun fun fun playlist, but the design is slightly off mark since most play it like its clash /out.

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