As a Father of two, I️ know that I️ only CATCH my kids lying about 25% of the time (anecdotal) and that they are only getting better at it as time goes on.
Now correct me if I️ am wrong... we as a community have now caught Bungie lying directly to our collective face 3 times.
1 - The weapon balance patch in which auto rifles were “intentionally” buffed by 0.04%
2 - The SBMM disaster.
3 - XP throttling
A shaky 4th would be the lie of omission about the fact that they doubled the required XP to gain a post lvl 20 rank
Bungie keeps proving themselves to be the opposite of a trustworthy company.
Does Bungie need to make money? Of course they do, it is a business BUT the difference between a GOOD company and a BAD company is that the GOOD company makes profits off of high quality products and caring for their product and their consumers.
A BAD company attempts to use shortcuts, exploits, lies and excuses to trick/coerce their consumers to give them more money.
Now... you tell me
Is Bungie behaving like a GOOD company or a BAD one?
The XP lie was a combination of omitting pertinent gameplay information and intentionally not representing the lose of XP in the UI.
Keep the list growing everyone, I keep seeing more and more lies that I forgot about, a truly disheartening pattern of behavior by one of the most renowned studios in gaming history.
I am very glad they have cancelled the stream tomorrow in light of community concerns. I don’t expect it BUT I hope that they do a no BS blog post that addresses our concerns and at least acknowledges the fact that they screwed up.
Here is hoping next week is a better week for this community than the last!
How many more months will the Bungie Defendants defend Bungie?