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1/17/2018 6:02:56 PM

Season 2 Faction Rally Rewards

With the release of Curse of Osiris, each Faction has received 5 new weapons. These weapons become available over the course of the season, and cannot be earned through Faction Engrams immediately. In the first Faction Rally of Season 2 (this week), there is a new Auto Rifle available as the Winner’s Offering. No new Faction Weapons are available through Faction Engrams. In the second Faction Rally of the season, the Winner’s Offering is updated to a new weapon. Additionally, the previous Winner’s offering (Auto Rifles) and an additional weapon are added to Faction Engram rewards. The final Faction Rally of the season will follow this functionality: The Winners Offering will be updated to a final weapon that has yet to be featured. The previous Winner’s Offering will be added to the Faction Engram rewards, alongside an additional weapon. This brings the total to four weapons within the Faction Engram, and a final Winner’s Offering for factions to compete for over the course of the event.

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  • Slow clap for Bungie's communication skills. Note to Bungie: keeping significant changes/shady tactics (see consumable shaders, XP throttling, the Dawning, no new loot in Faction Rally, etc. etc. etc. etc.) a secret until after the community discovers them is a HORRIBLE, AWFUL, TERRIBLE idea.

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  • Yeah that sounds fair

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  • Edited by BIGwillestylz: 1/17/2018 6:43:53 PM
    Hahahahahahahahahaha. You guys lack leadership. I’m qualified actually probably over qualified based on the way things are headed. I can bring with me integrity (the company has none), hard work (I mean you don’t do that obviously), competence (I mean your history shows there isn’t any) and a whole -blam!-ing pocket full of pink slips. Seriously you guys are a -blam!-ing joke and are floundering. All of you should get analcranialectomies stat and then dm me. Seriously I’ll lead you guys back to the top of the mountain. We will blow these kid’s minds with a destiny game that isn’t a -blam!-ing cash grab

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  • Ok. Now why doesn’t the completion of the Raid Lair award Faction tokens?

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  • So save the tokens or do they still get taken away after the event is over?!?!?

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    2 Replies
    • Edited by BurningViper 7-2: 1/17/2018 6:48:59 PM
      I hear you! And I'll reply shortly when I've composed a complete response to this inquiry. Edit: Dmg04, I appreciate the communication from you. But what you guys are basically doing is taking the very thin content from the Faction Rally event and stretching it for an entire season. Now that I think about it, didn't you guys do the same thing with Iron Banner on Destiny 1? Or am I misremembering? [spoiler][b][i][u]KUPO!!!™[/u][/i][/b][/spoiler]

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    • Well, at least I know that this was not a "bug" and the "live team" scuttled the event on purpose. So I can assume that IB will be operated in a similar fashion? Please pass this on to the "live team": GET A CLUE ABOUT YOUR EVENTS AND WHY THOSE THAT ARE LEFT PLAY THEM!

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    • So once I pledge, there's no need to bother participating in the rally-just wait for the winner-since I have EVERY WEAPON AND GEAR ITEM THAT WILL BE AVAILABLE and odds are NONE WILL BE MASTERWORKS. WTF Bungie? 5 weapons for 3 weeks worth of grinding!?! F-ing seriously? You can't be so blind as to not see that you are directly responsible for the salt and declining player base because of incompetent decision making like this one.

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    • What in the actual -blam!- are you guys doing?

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    • So now we will always have to ask what EXACTLY Bungie means when they say package/reward/loot/gear. What happened to you Bungie?!?

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    • You are just the BEST at f@@king up a game in history between you an The Division. The Division had Diablo 3 & Destiny 1 to learn from but still managed to mess the game up Destiny 2 has NO excuse just proves how good Bungie is at their job. Comedy gold.

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    • Your event is a shame just like the game and bungo.

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    • Can you answer why you are doing all the things you're doing wrong? Like why did you: - Lock content behind Eververse? - Change the weapon system to be 2 primary weapons and a rarely used heavy weapon? - Not rewarding players for end-game activities (I can't earn a Vex Mythoclast or any Adept weaponry for example - I have everything, thus there is no reason to continue playing). - And now you have a small opportunity to spark some interest by giving us faction rallies to earn things, but there is hardly anything to earn at all and no new weapons to grind for. Even the weapons we can try to get completely suck, they will just go straight into the vault (if I even have enough space). It really does feel like you're not even trying anymore. That, or the leadership over there is completely misguided and out of touch with the players. It boggles my mind that you can take a game I loved (D1) and strip it of the fun things like random rolls, secondary weapons, powerful gear and weapons, rare drops, etc etc and call it D2. It's unbelievable that you somehow went backwards and released a game that has half the fun of the first.

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    • Signed on after 2 weeks of not playing and finding out chest throttling and no new faction weapons except the winning faction reward? Seems Bungie is basically doing everything they can to convince me NOT to play this game but I'm not even mad anymore at this point, I'll just watch this dumpster fire of a game burn. I'm actually curious at the sales number of Destiny 3 when it comes out, lol. What a shit show.

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    • How dare you guys expect them to create content. Do you know how hard it is with the tools they're provided? All those 3D models you see are made on the discounted educational trial version of Milkshape 3D (AutoCAD was crashing too much so they got funding to upgrade). Textures are downloaded from stockphoto (watermarks edited out by a division of interns using MS Paint Classic). Animations are all still done with pen and paper, then scanned back into the computer for another group of interns to crop using a lasso tool until they're approved by the heads of the house (they're often burnt out by then). Don't even get started on the coding process, it's also still done on pen and paper and scanned back into the computer through an array of HP Deskjet 3634's purchased for a hell of a good deal on Black Friday. All this using factory software provided by Hewlett Packard. Word on the street is they may soon have enough funding to unlock a license for the MS Notepad DLC if Eververse profits are in the green Q2. The sound design on the other hand is a different story, that's shipped off to recording schools with semi-decent workshops and gear at a low rate who use them as assignments for new students that have been recruited via Facebook Sponsored posts guarenteeing them a career in audio recording/engineering. How dare you.

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      1 Reply
      • So, you're saying that the first 2 faction rallies are pointless and I only really need to play the last one to get everything. Got it! Seriously, what happened to Bungie's understanding of good game design?!

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        3 Replies
        • This is very dissapointing but i suppose it is to be expected. The overall rating and playability of this game has gone down significantly since about the 3rd week of this games launch and it's not just because of the reskins or the lack of story content. The biggest issue with the game is not even the game itself at this point, it's the blatant disregard of player feed back and the light that bungie has de decided to paint itself in over the last 2 years. The main topic in question for bungie is how fast and inventive can we be to make the masses pay for something without putting too much effort into the product, for example eververse in the dawning event. It cost an arm and a leg just to get a singular armor set or that particular ship or emote you wanted and you couldnt earn but 1 or 2 boxes a week. Now with the throttling of this content that a lot of people have paid for. Instead of doing it the way you are doing it I believe a more simple and direct solution would be to allow all players to participate in the event regardless of dlc purchase and allow all weapons to be granted to all players. This is just one of many events you have and although labelled through bungie as end game content, this by no means is end game content just because you can make the light level capped for this equipment. End game content is just as it suggests, the end of the game, so raids and after story content thst was designed and written to progress and enhance the storyline of the current narrative being played out. This is more of a side quest to get different looking and possibly better rolled gear that players will want to obtain whether it be for asthetic or ease of use reasons. If bungie wants to make it more strict then how about making the coo weapons only available for coo players until the last rally of the season and then the last rally of the season open it up to all, similar to the design of the playstation exclusive content for xbox players.

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        • This is the dumbest decision ever. Complete bullshit

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        • Soooo come back at the end of the season ?? GG Bungo. This is what the playerbase needed for sure ....

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        • I really hope Iron Banner has new weapons, I really do.

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          2 Replies
          • Edited by CarneAsadaMilk: 1/17/2018 6:26:35 PM
            So it seems under that method, players might as well not participate in the rallies until the final one. To me I would assume the reason for this change is because of the underwhelming expansion 1 and the likelihood of expansion 2 being similar in size and scope (Eververse additions a-plenty, but minimal real changes to the rest of the game). So to mitigate, this is supposed to help offload the burden of stinging along rewards to the live team. I understand where you'd [i]think[/i] that's a good idea. [b]BUT[/b] This change wasn't clearly communicated prior to the change being thrown in. With a large uproar from the community for the past few months, and a commitment to "be more transparent moving forward", this move seems like your team is not committing to the promise at all. You had already delayed it to make changes because of the Vanilla player lockout. Man it seems like mistake after mistake. That's my impression. I think it would be awesome if Destiny grew to embody the potential I saw in the first game, but this isn't a good direction to be heading.

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          • You guys are the biggest dissapointment in gaming history. Legitimately the worst video game company ive ever had the horror of dealing with. I hope all of you get what you deserve for constantly pullin this lying, bait n switch, throttling, dumbed down BS. Karma is a MFer.

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          • :| Well then, if Iron Banner does this same thing on the 30th then I kindly give Bungie the “Create a mediocre game that became transcendent down the road compared to when it launched then destroy all of that to create an even crappier game that is being molded into what it once was” award.

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          • 3
            please tell me you're joking. please.

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          • 2
            Come on Bungie! This is crap. I don't recall season 1 FR limiting you to 1 weapon. Who is in charge over there? You guys are smoking too much weed. Admit your failings as you have admitted to others. Don't give us bullshit answers when you know that was not your intent.

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            • Sweet fancy Moses, at this point I think Bungle could unravel a ball bearing.

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