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originally posted in: This Week at Bungie - 01/25/2018
1/25/2018 11:13:57 PM
What impossibly rare materials? I'm tripping over MW and I've never done the raid or trials. (Devrim is pretty generous to be honest)

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  • I've gone through a ridiculous number of weapons and gunsmith bits and managed to get about 20. Which is enough to make a Masterwork, realize it sucks, re-roll a couple times, and still be left with something I don't want. Not that any of the mods really make a noticeable difference anyway. Even if I had a million of the things, making the upgrades random is -blam!-ing stupid and nothing but a time and resource sink for the sake of it. It's so overly tedious for absolutely no reason. Every single other game I've played that has upgradeable things has done it better. Every. Single. One.

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  • " and still be left with something I don't want. " Not trying to sound like an ass but that was what D1 was like. Numerous of the same weapon with not so ideal perks. Every once in awhile you got it though. The difference is that there is no variable in the same weapon until MW here in D2.

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  • [quote]" and still be left with something I don't want. " Not trying to sound like an ass but that was what D1 was like. Numerous of the same weapon with not so ideal perks. Every once in awhile you got it though. The difference is that there is no variable in the same weapon until MW here in D2.[/quote] I never played D1, so I have no idea. I likely wouldn't have found that system particularly interesting either. But it does seem at least a bit better, in that it's only one layer of randomness instead of several. Still, there are better ways to do random without removing player skill and choice from the equation.

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  • I agree with you. What was attractive in D1 about random rolls for people was that it gave you a reason to repeat objectives. You became attached to certain perks that you hunted for on your favorite weapon. Or your abilities showed in the Tower when you pimped around in Raid gear and people would look at your Guardians bio and see your set up. The randomness is what we looked for because it gave new meaning to the same gun. I remember rolling around with multiple of the same gun because of different perks. It does create some needed excitement. The sound of someone in your fireteam when they got something they'd been after was intensely rewarding on a personal level.

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  • Crush all your shards at the cryptarch. Forget the gunsmith Every time you logon, grab 8 endgrams. You'll get 24 shards back, plus gun Smith mats. Then play as normal, recoup those from gameplay and repeat Been doing this for a few weeks. Now I just need another weapon I want to make a mw. Maybe remove mobility from my hunter

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  • Edited by Eternus: 1/25/2018 11:43:56 PM
    Well you’re short on materials because you don’t play enough then! I haven’t been playing anywhere near as much lately but i have hundreds of planetary materials and over a thousand gunsmith materials. Mods are getting a rework so that’s a moot point for the time being, though i agree mods are for the most part inconsequential at the moment. Not to be that guy but perhaps you should stop complaining and give some actual constructive criticism? Who knows, your voice might be heard.

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  • Well, that's kind of my point. I'm short on materials because... well... a random dice hasn't decided I should have more materials yet. How much or how little I play doesn't have much impact on that, apparently. Sure, playing a lot more increases odds that eventually maybe I'll get more Cores, but that's not exactly a compelling system. I can't login and say, "Oh man, I'm low on Cores! I should do X and Y and Z and try to get more!" I can only login and say, "Oh man, I'm low on Cores! Guess I'll... do... something... and see if maybe I get some I guess?" There is no reward for skill. There is no reward for effort. There is just random things happening at random times because RNG is a thing people like, right!? I could write a script to have my character run a circle around a Public Event unattended all day and literally get the exact same result. No one else sees that as a problem? No one else sees that as fundamentally failing to understand what's supposed to make these kinds of games fun?

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  • Hey you.. what do you want. Almost literally everything in thos game is handed to you.. what dont you have? What are you wanting?

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  • [quote]Hey you.. what do you want. Almost literally everything in thos game is handed to you.. what dont you have? What are you wanting?[/quote] The only thing I want is for what I do to matter. Randomness should not be confused with difficulty. A thing taking 4 weeks to get because an artificially weighted random number generator never decided to give it to you is not more challenging. It doesn't make the thing more special. It doesn't do anything but manipulate the player into logging in more. I want there to be an actual challenge other than "do the same thing 8000 times and maybe you'll get something cool. Or not. Who cares?" When I finally hit 335 after weeks of doing the same damn thing over and over I will feel no sense of accomplishment, because I will have done nothing to earn that 335 level that I didn't already do a million times. It's not that it's hard to get, it's that its way too EASY to get and they know it. So it's put behind some bullshit RNG to make you think it was hard. I'd much rather something be way too hard and I just never get the cool loot than for everything to just be handed out because I was logged in for enough hours doing nothing much at all. It's an impossibly lazy and boring game mechanic that exists solely to waste the players time.

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  • I see what you mean?? So are you saying you want x weapon/armor to drop from y activity.. or to at least be able to farm said activity for that weapon/armor? I want to make sure i understand.

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  • Edited by wonkothesane: 1/26/2018 5:59:59 AM
    [quote]I see what you mean?? So are you saying you want x weapon/armor to drop from y activity.. or to at least be able to farm said activity for that weapon/armor? I want to make sure i understand.[/quote] That'd be a pretty basic start. Just giving us a path that we know can lead to an outcome we desire. Let me be in control rather than the dice. Something more than "just do anything and eventually you'll get stuff." At a basic level, that could simply be "Enemy X drops weapons from list Y." Farming isn't exactly compelling, but it's at least *something*. Knowing the actions you are taking will have tangible results would go a LONG way to making the loot feel more earned and thus more meaningful. Hopefully Bungie would be a bit more creative than that, but it is a little late in the game to be too risky. I can imagine more involved scenarios, like maybe making Master Cores something you have to earn by executing a Strike differently, which opens up a new area with a new boss who has a X% chance to drop cores with special modifiers. And executing a strike differently could mean something as simple as just a different path or something more complex like having to kill the boss without any team members dying or using only pistols or something. I mean, really just anything that ties the loot TO THE GAMEPLAY rather than just being a slot machine tacked on to a rather low-on-content FPS. Something that makes all the playing the actual game stuff more attractive! Back to the Strike example, giving huge rewards for finishing without dying would force people to approach that content with entirely new eyes. You couldn't just risk running through it at lightspeed like everyone does now because its just a slog to the next RNG like everything else. Thus making the ACTUAL -blam!-ING GAME exciting again! And with minimal effort on the Devs part! [And, seriously, the Cores should be their own item like a mod, that can be applied to any weapon WHEN I want to. Not just yet another random generator I can only activate once I've collected enough garbage. But seriously, why the -blam!- is every system in this game centered around collecting garbage?]

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  • Edited by Eternus: 1/26/2018 1:10:50 AM
    People understand for sure. But the masterwork issue isn’t a big one. I’m not sure why you would find yourself unable to acquire gunsmith materials with certainty as honestly it is the easiest material to acquire. I think the problem with D2 is what differentiates it from D1. Gunplay is vastly different and as we know gunplay was a very good quality of D1, that and the power we had as guardians. Now in D2 our power is arguably lessened and more focus is placed on gunplay, but the gunplay is different than D1, it feels.... worse..? I can’t put my finger on it. A lot of people have been criticising the uninspiring feel of gunplay, two primaries and a heavy. But i’m not sure what to say about it. I feel like if Bungie introduced the good old primary (be it Scout/Hand Cannon what have you), a special (e.g. sniper), and heavy (____). People would be thrilled! The problem with D2 is much larger at its core. We undertook similar activities in D1 if memory serves. RNG dedication and grinding. But the thrill was there. We must consider the differences to ascertain the cause. Gunplay seems at the top of the list. Again, complex issue.

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