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Edited by a_dmg04: 2/7/2018 9:15:51 PM

Crimson Days: Coming February 13, 2018

Crimson Days begins in Destiny 2 on Tuesday, February 13. At the heart of the weeklong event is a 2v2 Crucible playlist intended to get your blood pumping as you and a friend test your bonds to the breaking point. This celebration of teamwork will last one week! [url=]Preview[/url] The combat scenario is 2v2 Clash with a round-based twist. We will also be debuting The Burnout, a new take on The Burning Shrine set in a future timeline where the Vex have succeeded in altering our reality. [url=]Preview[/url] The sun is darkened and the only Light to be found comes from you and your partner fighting as one. Stay in close proximity to your partner and your abilities recharge at a faster rate. Stray too far, and your enemies will be given a waypoint leading to your location. If you can’t find a partner, don’t worry. We’ll play matchmaker and find one for you. [b] The Rewards[/b] The best way to earn rewards during Crimson Days is to compete in the Crimson Days Crucible playlist, and we’ve tuned the experience to focus on rewarding single-character play. Most rewards are found within a new Crimson Engram, with all contents on a “knock-out” list, preventing you from receiving duplicate items until you’ve earned all of the new gear. No matter which activity you play in Destiny 2 during Crimson Days, every player will receive both an Illuminated Engram and a Crimson Engram when they level up. Crimson Engrams are only earnable through gameplay, and are not capped or limited during the event. To qualify, you need only to reach the level cap for your Guardian (that’s 25 if you’ve acquired Expansion 1; 20 if you haven’t). [quote][b][url=]Crimson Engram Reward Preview[/url][/b][/quote] There are also five new rewards found exclusively for players who complete the following: [quote]• Complete the milestone “Welcome to Crimson Days” by finishing five Crimson Days matches and visiting Lord Shaxx in the Tower to earn the Fire of the Crimson Days Emblem and the [url=]Tirastrella Ghost Shell[/url]. • Complete matches in the Crimson Days Crucible playlist for a chance to earn the [url=]Undeterred Exotic Sparrow[/url]. • Complete either the Leviathan Raid or the Raid Lair: Eater of Worlds to claim the [url=]Dieselpunk Exotic Ornament for Wardcliff Coil[/url] from the final chest. • Complete the Nightfall Strike during the Crimson Days event to earn the [url=]Flaunting Dance Emote[/url].[/quote] Crimson Engrams will only be earnable through gameplay, but if you’re looking to directly purchase a specific item, Tess will also offer a selection of the Crimson Engram contents in exchange for the Bright Dust you are holding. Gear purchased with Bright Dust will also count towards the “knock-out” list mechanic described above, preventing duplicate items unless you have already earned all the rewards. Every reward item obtained from a Crimson Engram can also be dismantled for Bright Dust, including event-specific shaders. Crimson Days will begin next Tuesday, February 13, and conclude on the weekly reset at 9 AM PST on Tuesday, February 20. If you’ve yet to find a dance partner, now is the time. We’ll see you in the arena.

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  • Anyone else actually enjoying crimson days?

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    13 Replies
    • Good job the maps had a good rotation The play was fun Supers built up midway which I liked Solid b

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    • Can we keep this doubles format please? Apart from the grenade spam it’s the 2nd most fun game mode on destiny2, the 1st being mayhem. Going back to normal crucible after playing crimson doubles just feels wrong, it’s like being a bird then having your wings clipped. Dont make us go back to the borefest that’s regular crucible. I know it won’t happen because Bungie doesn’t like its player base to have fun but 1 can dream.

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      • Overall I give it a 7/10, more events need this.

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      • Managed to get all the items, didn’t have to hard much to store some. Shouldn’t have had to share anything to be fair. One more thing, could you explain why you have stopped bright dust packages from engrams? Definitely not rng, just stopped dropping several months ago!

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      • Edited by Jericho_Wolf99: 2/19/2018 6:25:51 AM
        Don't matter. I didn't get what I wanted out of crimson days which was the exotic emote. Why because one the inventory didn't change which it should have since this event was only here for a week and I was sitting on like 4000 bright dust hoping to just buy it. I can't level up fast enough to get crimson engrams which is bullshit. Bungie I demand the exotic emote becuas literally I got everything 4 time out of what I did decrypt instead of the one thing I don't have. Your bullshit system didn't work.

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        5 Replies
        • The event was too short. My raid team fail me.... Dieselpunk was the only thing i cant get...

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        • Crimson days: Fuuuuuuck the players

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        • This should have been titled : Crimson Days. Nobody gives a f*ck

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        • 1
          Solo que is AIDS

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          3 Replies
          • Did you play test this shit before releasing? Skip nades and the hunter arms! Two of them! And noooo gun required! You guys keep disappointing!

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          • Another PvP event for a game that was advertised as an epic PvE adventure. PvP is the reason this franchise is dead. Everything sucks because of PvP balance.

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            6 Replies
            • Get rid of these Paid Carries:

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            • I like the new Chrimson doubles mode. It should be permanent event in Destiny 2. All the people who are crying need to learn to play.

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              15 Replies
              • just when i thought bungie showed a little sign of redemltion, they dish out one of the dumbest mode in crucible "Crimson Days" or what ever the eff you call it . Let me give you guys a quick rundown of this bullshit: 1. Characters Spawn 2. Run as fast as you can to the Heavy 3. Wait for Heavy 4. you and team mate throw the sh!t out of the grenades! 5. Heavy acquired, take out Colony and aimlessly shoot at random location till it hits. 6. REPEAT BULLSH!T and Game Over! so much for competitive gaming! bungie youre a joke!

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                11 Replies
                • #BUNGIE,your knock of system doesn't work. I received the exotic crimson sparrow Undeterred 4 times in a row while i didn't have all the event items. Care to explain that bullshit?!

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                  • Edited by Jaybee4920: 2/19/2018 7:42:15 PM
                    Love the fact that it's basically 2v2 Mayhem. Grenade spamming is so much fun.

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                  • is kind of cool, but... rewards are dull... and missing post master and vault space for that much crap... literally crap (shades, blue mods, fixed roll duplicated items)

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                  • Way too much encountering fireteams for solo players, especially when theyre the SAME PEOPLE I just fought, you tried to put me in a match with these same 2 teams pretty much 4 times in a row, 2 times I was able to back out before the match started but that shouldn't happen ever.

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                  • Maybe if you idiots focussed all your efforts on fixing the game, and giving out ALL of the Eververse items you might salvage this game. Luke Smith will be out of a job soon! -blam!- you Luke Smith! #-blam!-lukesmith

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                  • it is a great event so far. needed maybe 2 man strikes or adventures with the similar buff etc. the KNOCKOUT list fors not work. i have been getting duplicates quite often. anyways i hope others dont recieve the same difficulty.

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                  • Nailed it!!

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                    1 Reply
                    • Edited by Fibby: 2/19/2018 5:12:36 AM
                      Burning Shrine was one of my favorite maps and i don’t mind some D1 maps coming back, but unfortunately that’s the one good thing about this event.... I tried a few games of crimson and it was horrible. Just like all of your pvp modes, it is laggy almost all the time and therefore pretty much unplayable. How can your matchmaking system be so bad that only about 1 in 5 games are not laggy, and you only have to find 2 other players ??? Thanks to this P2P system you are using, the experience is always inconsistent since the hit registration varies from one enemy to another, small latency issues are a part of online gaming but the stuff that you have to deal with in this franchise is game breaking. People don’t take damage at all or only a small portion of what they should, you trade constantly, and the aim assist feels like it’s actually resisting instead of assisting when there is lag. On top of the poor connections, people are unsurprisingly going in with two overpowered Nightstalkers, so it’s nothing but smoke and grenade spam to control the map, they pick up power ammo, and then they go invisible and push you with that power ammo. There’s a reason why stacked teams run nothing but Nightstalkers in pvp, and it’s even more broken in a mode like this where your abilities are up constantly.

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                      2 Replies
                      • The worst game mode ever put in. is throw nades and sit back so -blam!-ing dumb and if you spawn close to heavy your guaranteed a win. So -blam!-ing stupid bungie you suck at making PvP games now you should just stop

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                        • Youuuuuuu bloooooooowwwwwwww!!!!!

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                        • Crimson Days is the worst shit ive seen from Bungie and Ive been around since beta 1 D1. What a gigantic awful failure. Words cant describe how much I hate Crimson Doubles. Tried 2 matches solo and its all i can do to avoud snapping this disc in half. I hate it. Hate. Im sorry I really do wish I had good things to say about it. Fukin worst thing Ive ever played.

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