somewhat relevant
I’ve said this many times in the past: if they made the machine guns primary weapons and do less damage while keeping the high magazine and high recoil, I would have been completely fine with it.
Thunder lord was nice but I miss my corrective measure. Was a beast especially before the extended mag perk(forgot the name)got nerfed 150bullets in the mag miss it so much.
[quote]I miss my thunder lord ;-;[/quote] Edit: I know that current power weapons would seem weak to D1 machine guns, but they could be like sub machine guns but with a lot more bullets. Why do sub machine guns only have like 30 bullets??!!
Yaaas! I loved Thunder Lord! The sound it made was awesome!
I feel that would be pretty op in the crucible, considering how ammo works now.
The rapid-fire variants I don't miss considering we have autos that cover that. I miss the ones that are slow firing, but two bullets killed in a 30-round mag, and the sound backed that feeling up. I'm talking the loud "[b]CHANG![/b]" from each bullet out the barrel! I also miss Super Good Advice. That was a good weapon.
They can't come back because of PvP. Let's be real. Proper MG's would humiliate the power weapons we have right now.
Super Good Advice was my jam. Pretty much 100% accuracy since it refunded bullets that missed. Could shoot for days if you purposefully missed some shots over the targets head.
Jolders hammer. Rip 🤧
Why did we have to loose them in the first place ? I can’t see why it would ever have been an issue
God no
Lol yup, I remember once I got the quillems terminus it was legit the only lmg I ever used hell only heavy i ever used.
I wonder... would sweet businesss stay a auto or would they switch it to a heavy machine gun?
I wish
Zombie, swarm, and corrective measure :(
If you're a Titan, an Actium War Rig combined with a Sweet Business is a pretty good substitute. It's fun melting Ogres without having to reload.
Please. I really miss the machine guns.
I’ve never forget my Zombie Apocalypse