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9/13/2018 4:43:05 PM
[quote]They’re communicative yes, finally after years of us bitching, see how that works?[/quote] I'd disagree. I've been with this franchise since launch and early days they were VERY communicative until the forums started harping on every last little thing and constantly called out any misstep or even potentially partial falsehood. It got especially egregious when Bungie was trying to advise of various directions they wanted to go with the franchise, or certain goals they were setting for the game and people kept taking it out of context and accusing the company of outright lying. Bungie began to become a bit more measured and hold back info until they were 100% sure it could and would be implemented, and that's when the forums started crying "Just tell us what you're planning!!" and right around then is when we started hearing the mocking statements and thread titles of "bungie doesn't listen". Ironically, Bungie listening to the fanbase has been one of its biggest missteps in this franchise imo. [quote]I’d hardly say the milestone issue is fixed, they moved the icon off the list and onto the planet?? It’s the same system just visually different.[/quote] It will be powerful now...that was the crux of the issue...not sure what other "fix" you could want. [quote]The new weapon system is still not as clean and well implemented and D1s[/quote] Subjective. I personally am enjoying it, but think all things have opportunity for improvement. [quote]the raid armor is still just a reskinned armor set[/quote] Ok, not sure what you want - but they did state we'll see raid specific mods and perks, so...let's see before we make a judgement. [quote]random rolls are broken[/quote] What do you mean "broken" ?? I'm seeing random rolls...and it was a MAJOR community request to bring them back. [quote]subclasses are still an uncustomizable joke[/quote] Necessary to keep things in line for balance concerns, but I agree having a bit more choice in there would be ideal. [quote]shaders are still a problem[/quote] Some agree, others (like myself) are now pleased you can use them on individual pieces and sort them in your collections. We can re-buy whatever we want at any time for any piece, personally I love that. But I guess you're in the "let me use one shader across my whole set" crowd? [quote] they’re still making raid Lairs instead of just making full raids [/quote] Technically no, Dreaming City will be a full raid and the lairs will expand upon it. I personally like that, but I understand how others may not. End of the day, it sounds more like you just want them to listen to you =p

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  • Yeah I do want them to listen to me hahah. But the problem with milestones isn’t that they weren’t powerful enough, just the opposite I’d say, but the real problem is it is a 1 dimensional system that doesn’t actually reward you for grinding anything and gives you high level gear for easy menial tasks. Secondly I have a piece of raid armor, someone else has a full set and it’s almost identical to the reverie dawn set. The real point I’m trying to get at is simply, yeah is the fan base harsh, sure, can you really blame us? We’ve had to wait years several times to get simple fixes, I don’t have any sympathy for bungie this is their job.

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  • It's a fair view to have, I simply disagree. No disrespect, no hate =)

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