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11/21/2018 10:43:45 PM

Ideas for the game and the future of Destiny as a franchise

This is some ideas i had for the game Destiny 2 and the franchise of Destiny. Let's start off by adding world tiers it will bring a balance to the game and it will put player in the appropriate location based on Power Level. ( power level are the numbers you see ) Tier 0: 10 - 300 Tier 1: 305 - 400 Tier 2: 405 - 500 Tier 3: 505 - 545 Tier 4: 550 - 580 Tier 5: 585 - 600 ( These are based on current power level as of November 21st, 2018 ) You maybe asking what about loot drops? don't worry i have you covered. Tier 0: Legendary 1 - 30% chance to get one Tier 1: Legendary 1 - 35% chance to get one Tier 2: Legendary 1 - 40% chance to get one, Exotics 1 - 25% chance to get one Tier 3: Legendary 1 - 45% chance to get one, Exotics 1 - 30% chance to get one Tier 4: Legendary 1 - 50% Chance to get one, Exotics 1 - 35% chance to get one Tier 5: same as Tier 4. ( Based on a scale 1 - 100, 100 in being confirmed drop ) ( All based off Power Level for world tiers ) Here are the main ideas to make the game and the future better. Get rid of eververse bounty's. Story Missions should give silver coins, 5 - 15 depending on difficulty. Add Loot crates based on silver; Example: Emote Crate 100 silver, Ship crate 200 silver, Sparrow crate 150 silver. Bring back strange coins for xur; every strike or lost sector completion should give 1 - 4 strange coins and Nightfalls give 5 every completion. Give more rewards for team play with a fire-team for any activity. CAN'T kill HVT's without bounty's for them. Give Hvt's and lost sector bosses specific loot, like nightfall bosses. Bring back Prison of Elders and give 8 strange coins for each completion. Escalation Protocol: A Fire-team of 9 can team up and run Escalation. Give Escalation more Weapon Drops; Example: IKELOS_AR, IKELOS_MG, IKELOS_FR. Blind Well: A Fire-Team of 9 can team up and run Blind Well. Bring Back D1 raids and bring them up to date and give them a NEW lore behind them. Make Fire-Team size 1 - 4 instead of 1 - 3. Crucible / Gambit: Make matchmaking better by letting solo queue players play against other solo queues. Fire-Teams play against other Fire-Teams. If there is a 2 - 5 man team and solo queues then it should be the same on the opposing team. Take enhancement core out of legendary infusion, but keep them for exotic infusion and for master working guns and armor. And Last but not least; ADD Banshee Bounty's for mod components. Thank You. Comment below and tell me what you think.

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