Hello, I've been consistently experiencing constant disconnects to the bungie server: Error (Bird) and it started Wednesday. I'm not doing anything specific, it started while i was doing nightfalls then after 8-9 times of constantly error coding out of the nightfall (Because i was trying to finish it at the least.) i decided to try and level up my artifact by doing bounties and it's constantly Birding me even in open world content. My internet is perfectly fine, i've even switched between ethernet cable and wireless network to try and find a different, restarted my router/modem, changed to a second internet network, restarted my computer, (I haven't tried uninstalling and reinstalling yet but that's my last resort option.)
I didn’t know either 😂
Hi there. The BIRD error code indicates that you are experiencing a general networking issue. This could be your internet connection in general, your connection to the Destiny 2 servers, or even an internet service provider issue. You may want to review our BIRD article for more information.