Hey you! Yeah you, the cranky old f@ck!
Assassin’s Oath is now recruiting people ages 30 and older (but if you’re 21+ and have the back of a 50+ year old, we’ll take you too). We’re looking for people who are interested in endgame content, raiding, sherpaing, as well as some diet PvP (think of more of a Fabled grind than Legend). Most of us have jobs, kids, and partners that will stab us if we play hardcore amounts of Destiny, but if you’re a weekend warrior or like to shoot aliens when the kids go to bed, we might be a great fit for you!
What’s our clan make-up?
-College students
-Married people
-Sarcastic old people that have been around since D1
-NA people (most of our sherpas are 9-5ers so our raids happen after 7pm EST)
- 30+ preferred, but will also take mature 21+
- Be respectful (I mean, we swear, get rowdy and make wildly inappropriate jokes, but if you’re being a creep and the reason that HR has to have that sexual harassment training every year, we’re probably not going to work out)
- Be an independent man or woman (our sherpas love to help but sometimes, you just gotta suck it up and use LFG)
- If interested in raiding: Can follow directions
- Download the Band app to communicate with us (this is how we organize events)
Leave a message here if you're old and interested. Or you can PSN me: Aeluro
Want to have a convo and an icebreaker to see if we're going to get along?!?! Here's some ice breakers for you (replying to these is not required, I'm just a teacher and this is how I deal with scared children and awkward adults):
- Do you fold or crumple toilet paper?
- You've gotta sing a song for karaoke, what song do you pick?
- What is the worst job you have ever had?
Aeluro's responses:
Fold - I'm not an animal
Song - Love Shack
- UPS - F that place
Still recruiting! Also, looking for clans who may be interested in setting up clan pvp skirmishes against us to prepare for Shadowkeep’s Crucible season.
Hi, my husband and I are hoping to join a new clan. We are both 29 and have a daughter. Im an assistant teacher and we play after work and mostly on weekends once the little one is in bed. We left a good clan to join my brother in law’s crappy clan (we were pressured, don’t judge us) but we are now full of regret. Ice breaker: 1. Fold - sometimes crumple if my daughter is rushing me. 2. Killer Queen by: Queen 3. Texas Roadhouse, they thought as a waitress I should wear booty shorts and jump around and do cheers...like a cheerleader. F that. Side note: We may do a “we are not worthy” bow a la Wayne and Garth if we are allowed to join.
Hi there Assassin's, cranky old guy here! Me (40yo and game addict) and two mates (30's couple with kids) are on ALL of the time .. but it's always just us 3 running around in strikes, putting up with a blue dots in Crucible (or them putting up with us) .. and we have NEVER been through a complete Raid. We do have a small clan, but never see the others in it. We were thinking of starting up our own new clan and get to the recruiting .. but we're also a bit lazy!! :P We all deffo hold our own in-game, and prefer teamwork over anything else .. and will be on in about 3-4 hours from NOW .. so hit me up .. go on! :) Oh, toilet paper? I kinda crumple-fold, but won't vouch for the others. Karaoke? Either 'Hey Jude' (The Beatles), or 'Somebody Told Me' (The Killers) Worst job? Overnight sole-charge at a petrol station .. people awake at 3am are weirdos!
36 from the Northeast, managing an IT department.., so boredom with coffee is the norm during the day as I judge everyone else at work. Am interested to join others who got to have fun and sherpa someone that hasn't really played much after they launched the Leviathan raid. As for the questions: Fold - I have standards for my @ss Song - Top Gun is my favorite movie, so "You've lost that lovin' feelin' " Job - Selling mattresses, because having a room of 40 white rectangles is boring as hell.
Hello! I'm a 34 year old Nuclear Engineer. East Coast US, Navy Submarine Veteran. Looking for a clan with adult types who value including new members. Your clan looks cool. I'd like to be considered to join your ranks. I mainly play PvP but want to do more PvE things. But first, to answer your icebreaker questions! 1) I fold my T.p. two to five times over, depending on if it was taco/enchilada night or not. 2) If there's hot females in the audience, I'll sing 'Old Love' by Clapton. If not, something from Billy Joel. 3) Worst job... Commissioning Engineer for Apple. 18 hour days suck. Anyway, I look forward to joining if deemed worthy!
Crumple (Who has time to fold!?!??) Santeria Plumbing Sign me up!
Clan me up
Sounds like a fun clan
Love it!