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1/29/2020 2:40:24 AM
With the amount of work that I am sure is going on at bungie to fix the reported issue. I am 100% behind them and understand that this is not just a quick fix. To all the people complaining that they need compensation for the game being down for one day, I think you need to stop and appreciate what is going on here. Bungie could have just as easily left the servers up and said screw you or here is a small compensation once you complained there was a problem, if you even noticed. Instead bungie took the server offline almost immediatly to investigate the problem and found the issue and has alot of people working themselves to the bone to find, test and implement a solution to the problem knowing full well that they are going to get flame from a bunch of mouthbreathing kids with nothing better to do with their time than complain they cant play their video games at the moment. 75% of the people playing probably didn't even know that this was an issue to begin with. The fact that bungie made live updates every hour for the first six hours is down right amazing considering how many people are trying to fix the problem. Just remember they could choose to give you nothing and do nothing about it so be grateful for what your getting.

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  • Yeah, you're right. There's not even the slightest bit of manners/norms with these millennials. Realise you're dopefiends while you're having a gamingaddiction, millennials. And being addicted to gaming is in the same category as a cocaïne-addiction, alcoholism, smoking, gambling,... Better to spend your time on thinking about that, instead of flaming and blaspheming the dev-team of this epic and wonderful game! This is one of the best games ever made, the reason why you're addicted to it. And if it's so bad, just go ahead and play another game, instead of tearing down a masterpiece. If you guys even understand the word 'Masterpiece' in these millennial times.

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  • The way you talk about destiny2 it sounds like your the one who needs to check your addiction. This game is great but a masterpiece is a massive stretch. There are too many bugs and the balance in the game is terrible. Also don't sit there and be like "you gosh darn millennials and your bad manners" It just makes you sound stuck up m8. People of all ages and generations play this game so don't try to call out one for being addicted and toxic when you are doing both in a different way.

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  • Ok boomer.

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  • I think you guys need to read your fine print policies a little closer. lol

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  • Thank you for fixing what was not supposed to happen? In case you don't remember, when you were at Blizzard / activision, Destiny 2 was something, things like that didn't happen, better servers, etc., today is worthless. They only think of eververse and Buff on Titan, as well as nerf in other classes.

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  • They should never even have gotten into this situation to begin with. Server based games when people can't play something they have purchased when they can play its up to the company making that game to compensate them. Its like buying a ticket to an NBA or NFL game if that game is cancelled well they better do something to compensate just another ticket.

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  • Well said gave me time to catch up on some errands :D

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  • I forgot to add the compensation should be a thing cuz of the progress that is being lost from the account rollback not cuz we couldn't play And to repeat it should be something meaningful and unique. not just a free handout to please the whiny toxic people.

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  • I understand that concept but its roughly two and a half hours between up and down time from what i saw. this is time people spent playing a game they enjoy. it isnt really WORK per say. dont get me wrong i feel for the people that farmed god rolls that will have to be refarmed but that is about the worst part in my opinion. quests can be redone and money and mats refunded appropriatly.

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  • Well the biggest part is exotics earned the raid exotics can take painfully long to get some people get em first or second run but others can farm for months and not get the drop. Rng in this game is so unforgiving sometimes.

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  • I understand where you are coming from and no people don't have a right to be toxic but we can still be mad cuz this isn't the first big glitch recently that had come up and Bungie doesn't get off the hook for this just cuz they decided to do something about it. Let's hypothetically say they didn't do anything. There are some people who have literally thousands upon thousands of legendary shards, planetary mats, and hundreds of enhancement cores that they have saved up for years. If they had done nothing they would have lost a vast majority of there dedicated playerbase. So yes they probably feel sorry for what happened but for the most part its a business decision to preserve the long-term over the short term. As for the compensation thing I don't think they should just flat out give us mats. They should make something unique to bring everyone back together and show us that we aren't just a bunch of revenue numbers Cuz lately that's kinda how they are treating the community

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  • I am not saying people dont have a right to be mad. In fact be mad because yes you paid for the game you should be able to play it. People always look and focus on the negative and what can be done for them and it astounds me. bungie could very well have said "you know what we work so hard and get no gratitude from the players i guess its time to take the servers down and leave them that way. " They may loose some fan base but they would get 75% of that back with the next razzal dazzal game they make but instead they have said "hey there is a big issue that is affecting you guys and we are only taking the servers down long enough to fix the problem and make it right." They are being exactly what a good company should be in that regard and i cant not support it. as far as throwing in a bonus its a nice gesture if they do dont get me wrong but for this short of a shut down i dont think it is neccessary. If they are down for three or four days then it might be neccessary but i doubt it will be that long.

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  • Again we shouldnt have something special cuz off the shut down they should do it cuz of the lost progress and gear. With how they are doing the account resets everyone who played between 8:30am to 10am PST will lose all progress made in that time and for most that isn't as bad as they want you to think it is. But for people who where doing raids they might have lost stuff like anarchy or 1k voices. Or people might have just gotten very rare god rolls. As for how they handled it. They only did so cuz they had to. They have messed up so many times lately that it's kinda ridiculous. But I will give them credit where it's due they got the reset done insanely quick for how hard that is to do.

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