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1/29/2020 2:57:30 AM
This is now the third (I think) server update in the last 2 months that has taken more than about 6 hours to rectify, and the previous two times were just kind of brushed under the rug. I really feel for the people who lost exotics and god rolls. Personally, I've farmed the Reckoning quite a bit trying to get the Gnawing Hunger auto rifle to drop, and this morning it finally did. This is nothing compared to those that lost rarer/unfarmable items. I feel like some kind of a "peace offering" from Bungie to their devoted supporters would go a long way to calm people down, but seeing as the previous two outages didn't result that way, I don't expect them to do so this time either. Which is sad, because those kinds of gestures are the exact things that endear companies to customers (think Chik-Fil-A). Anyway, I'm disappointed and I feel for a lot of people on here. Keep up the hard work Bungie, and a gift of some kind would be appreciated.

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