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1/16/2023 12:03:13 AM

Spire of the Watcher (lack of) helmet drop rates part 2

So...continuing from my post a few weeks ago, eased off on the farming the Ascent first encounter and just did a few runs here and there whilst doing the usual weekly stuff. Thought i would try and run it with my Hunter too as i quite like the look of the leg/arm armour you can get from the first encounter. Well, would you know it...a helmet drops from the FIRST run. Have still been running this with my Warlock and Titan but still nothing for them. Just checked and im up to 1 day 10 hours without getting the Warlock or Titan helmet to drop, hell i cant even get the machine gun to drop. Surely that should of dropped by now?

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  • Yeah, I’ve been having the same problem with the Hunter cloak, which is doubly tedious because I also have to deal with Akelous at the top of the tower. I’ve done this solo so many times by now that I can damn near flawless all the way up to that point, but it’s been pretty much everything *but* the cloak going on 40+ attempts now. I’ve heard somewhere that the hats have intentionally subdued drop rates, and apparently the Hunter cloak is even worse since class items already have reduced drop rates in the first place, which compounds with the reduction for any armor piece that features the hat. I get that they knew it would be popular and wanted to make it something to chase, but putting it even beyond the meager drop rate of raid and dungeon exotics is beyond absurd.

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  • I got hunter helm on the 5th run but got the bow on the 3rd which makes perfect sense

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    • Edited by LocoToopa: 1/17/2023 4:48:25 PM
      So far I have the class item for hunter and helmet for titan on my main. Only around 20 clears total, seems fine to me 👍 Not too bothered about the warlock anyway as I usually run an exotic helmet..

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    • Farm LFG boss checkpoint. Finally got the class item on a master run after about ten different boss runs. Got literally every other armor piece multiple times. Such a grind but final boss is pretty cake

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    • Hunter helmet drop rate is fine cause it's not the cowboy hat, the class item drop rate is lowered instead.

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    • I've been doing spire every week, no farming. I got the sidearm first run. Still have never gotten it again.

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      • Still missing HoN yet I've had its drop chance allegedly maxed out since Day 2 it came out with multiple looted clears per week. RNG is ridiculous and trash.

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        • Took me 6 weeks on all 3 toons to get the bow.

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          • Look I am just going to say it. The cowboy hats look stupid. This is Destiny, not Fortnite. Do yourself a favor and stop farming for a goofy cowboy hat. Spend more time creating better transmogs. Thank you.

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            • Edited by conkus805: 1/17/2023 3:15:14 AM
              I'm having the same issue with the sidearm. I have received everything else multiple times, have received only one sidearm. even got the bow to drop. I think I have run spire maybe 20 times across all characters, maybe more. took me forever to get my helmet for my Titan, and warlock, but my hunter I got it after maybe 3 or 4 runs. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ your not missing much when it comes to the machine gun, an adept swarm is better.

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            • I ran over 24 hours of first section without a full run and nothing. Ran full runs, got the helmets very shortly afterwards. I don't think it's coincidence and I think Bungie needs to be a little more open about how RNG is working. But they won't, they haven't really valued our time in years.

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              • 3
                I'm so sorry to hear of your RNG. I wish there was a solution I could implement. I was able to obtain everything the dungeon has to offer within 15-20 runs on all characters. May your RNG get better soon Guardian. :-)

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              • Warlock helmet, Titan helmet, and hunter cloak have lower odds of dropping than other armour pieces.

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              • "working as intended"

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              • RNG in this game is rough at times. I have 14 completions of Spire, only have the hat on Warlock and still haven't had a Scout Rifle to drop but I had the Exotic Bow twice?? VOG 37 runs no Vex Did 3 Master Plat NFs at weekend, not one weapon dropped in total Played Gambit yesterday for a few hours, had a spell of 5 games (including some wins and the ghost mod) where I received nothing at all at the end of the game Fortunately for me I had spare time yesterday but for guardians with less available time it is rough. I wouldn't mind a token system whereby if you do a full Dungeon Run you receive one and can trade it for an item (with a small cost). Even if it was one per account per week at least you could guarantee an item of your choice. Season of the Hunt had a chance of this for specific weapons/armour pieces (one of the few good things from that season)

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                • Think I’m on 48 for first encounter with no hat …. It’s ridiculous

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                • I got 2 helmets for my titan and 2 cloaks for my hunter playing master. And the helmet for my titan had the perfect roll so I masterworked it, along with the hunter cloak. I now have both items avarice and masterworked.

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                • I like to call these low drop rates "despair rates". It's like Bungie is so desperate to drag out the content that you'd think you were trying to get a riad exotic (which have always had despair rates) when it's just a freaking helmet or cloak.

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                • Edited by Grim: 1/16/2023 12:22:53 AM
                  It took forever to get the hat on each character since its farmable just farm certain encounters I got the whole set before I got all the hats. When I finally got it on warlock I ended up getting the exotic too cause it took so long to get the hat that I just kept running it a good ten times on every character each week. I honestly think the drop chance just for the hat is lower than the exotic drop chance cause I had the full set on every character except for the hat but still got the exotic early on which is just stupid the rng in this game sucks.

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                    I share your pain

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