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3/18/2023 7:01:08 AM
Please remove the hitbox during the Arc Warlock Blink Melee or give it an overs-hield during the move.... In stages it seems to do nothing but act like a slide. It does nothing to evade attacks or even break computer locks. Things like Wyvern, Captains and even Tourchhammer Minotaurs still can target your Guardian and kill them mid strike.... It may as well not even be classified as a "Blink" or have the animation if you can simply sit there and shoot at air and still get hits in. It also needs another animation aside from terrible ripoff of Ryu's Dragon Punch... Minus the cool spin.... Perhaps give us the option to select a reappearance pose for money.... Anything but: "Shoddyuken!" PLEASE! At least the Hunter's Arc Uppercut launches them into the air and away from danger.

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