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3/28/2023 12:30:36 AM

Is high difficulty making anyone else want to quit?





Mad 'cuz bad


I have been playing this game regularly since Season of Dawn in 2020, and this is the first time I've gotten so frustrated that I've seriously thought about quitting. I could do about 80% of the game's content before but now I'd say I'm down to about 30%, much of which is like pulling teeth even at the soft power cap of 1800. It took me over an hour to finish ONE Legendary Lost Quarry, and all I got were enhancement cores. I've never claimed to be good at this game but it was still fun until Lightfall dropped. The only content that still feels challenging but enjoyable are Raids and Dungeons. Is anyone else getting burnt out?

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  • I’m mad cause I’m bad

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  • Today was the first day in a long, long time that I haven't played. Been playing less over the last couple of weeks, because it just isn't fun any more. Finished a lost sector solo, master, flawless and got no increase in rank. Got a repeat exotic arms - big whoop.

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  • This is the most pathetic I've ever seen the forums, maybe worse than the SBMM thing. The new settings are not that hard. Hard-er, sure that was the point. But suddenly it's all about "Hey I can't relax and play" where did you people come from - Destiny is a SHOOTER.

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    16 Replies
    • Edited by Disparity: 3/30/2023 5:53:11 PM
      The so called "minority noops" got a little victory. But the redbar sponges on neomuna are unchanged... And it feels awfull still. Nothing is back to complete normal. o:( I Dont swallow their carrot. Im continuing by boycott.

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      3 Replies
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        Been playing since alpha and there's no way I'd quit because a 2.5% difficulty increase. It's literally not even noticeable lol

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      • I want to quit because this game is boring and the story is bad.

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      • Edited by SpaceGoat: 3/30/2023 8:00:37 PM
        I really appreciate the level of engagement everyone has given this discussion, particularly the people that have respectfully signed on to say that they like where the difficulty is at and why. Obviously one size will not fit all, and I think it's telling that the poll has consistently sat at nearly a 50/50 split with a small lead for the hardcore crowd overall. I've been trying more of the difficult (for me) content like Legendary Lost Sectors and Nightfalls, and I admit that I'm coming around to the new normal. It's a very different game that you have to play extremely defensively, but I don't dislike it. I regret that I can no longer chill and listen to podcasts while playing anything other than Gambit though, and Raids/Dungeons still have the most satisfying difficulty in my opinion. I still think that legendary lost sectors need some tuning. Players NEED exotic armor in order to complete the builds that allow them to do hard content, so the current difficulty feels like a straight lockout for new lights. If you don't have the exotics you can't do the lost sector, so how do you get good exotics besides RNG and prayer? I think the better solution would be to revert the difficulty on legendaries but increase the drop rate for Master LS to make them worth playing for the true hardcores that can still do them in less than ten minutes.

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      • I welcome the difficulty. But now it's been nerfed today. Back to easy mode.

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      • As a hard-core player capable of any content. Yes.

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      • Edited by WHISKEYJ0HNNY0: 3/29/2023 3:11:22 PM
        I actually like the new zone but it’s either empty or loaded with trolling snipers and bullet sponges. When anything interesting starts to happen there the game takes a sh** and crashes. In Vanguard missions, I’m always paired with people that die loads of times and you can almost see the wind get taken out their sails. So they’ll bail or go on autopilot. I sympathize. I haven’t tried the raid and have avoided PvP this season. The raid seems cool though.

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      • I don't even know if I'd call the game harder at this point because I don't farm anything that's supposed to be "challenging." No reason to do nightfalls, no good reason to farm lost sectors, no real reason to be on neomuna, no reason to stick around for the terrible reworked strikes, no reason to do battlegrounds cause defiant engrams drop like crazy. Legit just raiding every now and then and occasionally playing crucible cause I'm bored is all the game has to offer for me anymore. *sigh* I don't know man, they just keep making changes to the wrong things.

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      • Edited by Shirtless_Captain_Kirk: 3/29/2023 11:22:10 AM
        I've basically quit already. I was still playing regularly last season and into the LF launch. After about the first week, there's nothing to do. It's the same old trash it's been for far too long. The difficulty increases are super weird and inconsistent. The amount of content is utterly abysmal, and what is there is very poorly done. At this point there's no saving it. They'd have to completely revamp the entire game. That would basically make it D3. D2 is done. It's jumped the shark and won't be worth playing in a meaningful way probably ever again. I'll probably do Wrath when that comes out and fiddle with the stuff I've bought already for the year, but I will not be buying final shape at all. IDC how good people say it is. Basically done. Gonna get entertainment out of what I paid for, after that BYEE

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        • The difficulty of the content is nto really bugging me as bad as lots of bugs/lags/glitches/changes are. I preordered and also got season pass so i spent $100 for what i would consider to be a much worse version of the game considering the armor mods. The old system was really dynamic and let me develop a playstyle and subclass that i really liked but now it feels like if im not playing void so i can constantly invis and res my team then im not able to complete the content in a timely manner since its tuned for 3 people but i have 2 constantly dead. I understand the old system had its problems because not everyone had access to the mods but that could have easily been fixed and now we are in a situation where lots of content has been sunset and again people who were lucky enough to get rolls on weapons simply outclass others ( disruption break waveframes with autoloading in pvp, to name one) When you look at something like the devour fragment for void and compare that to solar fragments we need 4-5 fragments to even being to approach what devour does in terms of health regeneration but will never even get us close to the grenade regeneration, and even then you are handcuffed to using solar weapons to continue your health regen. Then there's arc, which is easily my favorite, but without having the restoration of the other subclasses or sheer damage reduction is in a really bad spot, and to have something like the linger time of the DR fragment nerfed just to turn around and give 100% uptime on 60% damage reduction from woven mail to another subclass is a huge oversight. we're right in the middle of a huge pvp event and there is an absolute uproar about matchmaking in IB and i have to side with everyone on the forums. the match making is terrible in this game and to tie PVE weapons behind PVP where im getting 0 rep for a loss and am constantly handed 10+ losses in a row means i may not get the PVE weapons i want before those are again sunset. its really unrewarding. The FPS issues are a whole other problem, again being arc and getting 100-0ed in my super while dodging because things in this game do FPS damage means i guess i need to turn my 2k video card off so that i can play. this is really ridiculous. I was under the impression that this was addressed but i just got out of a strike where this was a problem and im not going to queue up for another one, infact, i just uninstalled. Easily the worst expansion ive ever seen rolled out into a game and its really dissapointing because its an expansion, these are supposed to EXPAND on the game we already have but instead with bungie its like 80% of the game is constantly taken away and its sad because we pay for it. i feel for everybody who has really enjoyed the game thus far but is no longer having fun because $100 ago i feel like we were all in a lot better spot. shitty deal.

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          2 Replies
          • Main problem - game become more time consuming for no reason. Harder nightfalls with awards from easiest versions of previous season. New destination have swords for no reason. 5 strikes instead of 3 for pinnacle. Lake of Shadows on GM difficulty could be done in 10-11 minutes (if you eliminate everyone), now it takes more time as usual strike because of stupid artificial things that slows you dawn. Same goes for Arm Dealer. New strikes looks like a jokes and was did in map creator by 10 y.o. kid in 30 minutes. Simple legend lost sector require 1830, which is over pinnacle cap.

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          • Edited by SaltieSeaTurtlez: 3/29/2023 1:43:20 PM
            Look like the majority of us don't like the changes what a surprise....btw I don't count mad cause bad votes your votes dont count. Why? Why you ask? Well because I need they're to be more people against Bungie than for them that's why and your all a bunch of bullies and when did we reward people for that in society? Look it doesn't matter if someone is good or bad fact is they made the game take longer across the board and didn't add any reason to play it at all. This is a grindy looter shooter, you should be able to run strikes, every game mode should not be a drag. I'm fine with them making something like master raids and grandmaster nightfalls a bit more challenging but making the whole game a slog fest is bad for everyone. There's players here who have lives believe it or not.

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          • Yes, I stopped playing a few days ago. At this time I do not know if I will return. Unless there is a major decrease in the difficulty level, I will not return soon. I never thought that I would say this, but I went back to playing D1. I noticed there are a lot more gamers playing D1 now compared to a few years ago. Most of them are veteran players, but there is a small stream of new players. It is quite a relief to be unconcerned about mods, grinding for armor + weapons, and facing hard-to-kill enemies. D1 is a much simpler game than D2. I will continue playing it at least until I determine which new game will be my replacement for D2.

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          • Sadly, I already quit. Not because I couldn't handle the difficulty, but because they took fun out of the equation. I gave it around a month after Lightfall dropped before I made the decision. Spending more time and ammo on a single enemy isn't hard, just more time consuming. Couple that with no better rewards for added time and supposed difficulty, a sub par seasonal story, and a pathetic excuse for a DLC, and Destiny died the same week as Amanda and Lance for me. It's truly sad, because I loved Destiny, still do actually. I just don't find it fun and engaging anymore. Perhaps I will return if I get the urge to play, but right now that seems like a long way off, if ever unfortunately.

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            1 Reply
            • While it's more difficult, this can be overcome. What is annoying it the TIME spent doing something (compared to previous). Many dont have the time spare, and what time they do invest is not being met by reward (looking at you Lost Sectors). As someone previously highlighted, whilst they increased the difficulty they did not increase anything associated with it. Until they do, I'd imagine a greater number of players will drop out of playing.

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            • I did Witchqueen on Legend with zero issues but I gave up this season. I get players want it to be difficult but Bungie made it “streamer difficult”! Average players that don’t have 8 hours a day to game are not gonna be able to do it. It’s supposed to be fun but trying to get past a level 30+ times is not fun it’s frustrating.

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              3 Replies
              • Already quit

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              • Edited by Konnen73: 3/30/2023 10:43:03 AM
                No. Granted, threshers are being annoying. I only tolerate them because they can be destroyed.

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              • I've already stopped playing Lightfall content, as it feels like a massive chore, much like taking out the garbage, or doing the diskes, and replaying the witch queen on one of my characters i forgot about. Once I'm done with that then, who knows. Warframe has a large update coming out, that will most likely re-define the game play, yet again. Also Honkai has a fun looking free to play. At this point I'm sorry I bought this expansion instead of Tchai, and in the future will be looking more closely what I actually get for my money when buying a Bungie product.

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                5 Replies
                • I haven't quit, but I don't spend money knowing it's not going to destiny anymore.

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                • Bungie certainly have taken the fun out of it for the average player. As a Destiny tragic I will continue to play but will dial back both what I do and how much time in the game. Going back to D1 is more fun!

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                • Edited by Sleep_Leveling: 3/28/2023 12:04:35 PM
                  I picked no. I quit because the game is empty and hollow. The difficulty is just another added shallow pile of mess. It’s like they put the Divinity in your arsenal. They did it, put the gun in the game. After you discovered it, they castrated it. Yeah, that’s the same shallow pile of mess their doing with difficulty now. Castrated you so you can’t kill a red bar enemy with your potato guns. Game has no depth. Lack of creativity and innovation. It’s one big pile of messy turds put together by laziness and greed. Hahahahahahaha! There is nothing here anymore. Welcome to hollowness!

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                  20 Replies
                  • Yeah, for sure. Getting tired of it. I've no problem with higher difficulties. I have a problem when they take a difficulty, scale it up a tier or two, but keep rewards the same. Now everything is a bullet sponge and the rewards are still garbage. Fun.

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