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9/30/2023 3:33:20 PM

neomuna still not enjoyable

patrol lvls just hardcore.

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  • Never was enjoyable

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    • Can confirm after farming red borders on heroic patrols will never set foot on neomuna again in saying that most of the red borders came from Nimbutts reputation, just lame.

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    • List of things I like about Neomuna: Quinn is kinda funny. End of list. Whole DLC is trying to put a bow on meh ideas because they didn't have good ones in time. Nimbus is lame and punchable. I'd rather replay CoO.

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      4 Replies
      • I'm glad nobody likes it and that nobody goes there. I seriously forget the last time I ever visited Neptune. The people who created Lightfall have no business working on games. Obviously Bungie learned nothing from curse of Osiris

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        • Edited by ExiIelegend: 10/1/2023 2:00:22 AM
          The whole zone just sucks. I almost want to say semi false advertising as in trailers we were shown to be traversing skyscrapers and jumping in and out of buildings from different stories. It feels nothing like that and is actually kinda a small zone if you think about it.. just they missed the ball on this one.

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          • The whole loading peoples consciousness thing killed's empty ..had a good chance to make a truly unique destination and they failed it.

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            3 Replies
            • The worst thing about Neomuna is that Nimbus exists.

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              13 Replies
              • Looking for 6 for neomuna patrol. Must have 2000 hours neomuna patrol experience or kick. Well lock with divinity or kick. Must be guardian level 11 and season pass 300+. I will be checking.

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              • Fun fact: Neomuna patrol enemies are stronger than Master Raid enemies

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                • My seasonal neomuna challenge is at 20% , I can only stand that place a few minutes a week

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                • But they want you to have more challenge and fun on patrols. ... This is one of the most out of touch things Bungie has ever done. No one cares about challenge on patrol. Patrol should be a face roll. Oh, also, I don't go to neomuna because I don't ever want to have to listen to or think about Nimbutt again.

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                • The whole game needs to go down a notch in difficulty, except the endgame activities. When regular players struggle to do a legend lost sector, something is wrong. That way they'll never get their hands in the exotics that are completely gated behind that activity.

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                  14 Replies
                  • Rushed dlc full of poor decisions. Without a significant redo? It'll always be a dump.

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                  • Neomuna and the dreaming city…… so boring. There’s nothing there…. And it looks dumb. The entire story was a low point

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                  • Part of the problem is that the story that took place there was just atrocious. The Red War was a fair compaign and had some good parts and endeared me to the various destinations in the game. Those destinations feel kind of like places that could be. They make some sort of coherent sense. Neomuna feels like a demo map that was thrown together and is filled with absolute nonsense to go along with the terrible story they told. Holographic people bum around the streets because they're being stored in the network? Okay but why bother to project them into the streets at all? Why are there holographic plants next to real plants except to say "Look at this! So science, much future!" The layout of the city is garbage. Like why is there a bedroom right on the square where the bed just faces the window and there are no doors to get into or out of the room? It's like they just dumped a bunch of "futury shite" into the bubbles and tried their best to make it look well thought out. They should just delete the entire -blam!- place.

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                  • 5

                    Lore-meister - old

                    Agree as a patrol main I never go near this place… too many bullet sponges and a feeling of being weak we need more power fantasy not less

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                  • Edited by Justin68687112: 10/3/2023 2:35:57 AM
                    I don't get it... [b]Do you guys not enjoy enemies that are more difficult and actually dying once in a blue moon? Please tell me.[/b] I find it so boring exploring other planets. What's the point of using heavy or a super when your special weapon oneshots everything? What's the point of playing if there is no challenge whatsoever everywhere you explore? I don't want bullet sponges that one shot you (Thrashers on Neomuna are too extra) but I also don't want to be the one one shotting It's just weird, I don't get how every game like Redfall is so hated because the enemies are so easy it is tedious and never offers challenge, but Destiny, it's the opposite. I invite your opinions, I am interested in knowing the reasoning behind them and am in no way saying they are wrong.

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                  • It’s definitely not an enjoyable destination. Just trying to explore is annoying, everywhere I go yellow bars, yellow bars, and more yellow bars. Also, enemies respawn so quick as well. Fireteam postings be like….. NEOMUNA PATROL, NEED 2 WARLOCKS WITH WELL. KWTD! LoL

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                  • I ain't set foot in neomuna since I finished last red border neomuna weapons. 😂😂

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                    2 Replies
                    • Not enjoyable at all

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                    • The only thing I appreciate about it is that it’s a decent place to test build effectiveness, because the enemies are tanky enough that if it works on Neomuna it works almost everywhere else.

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                    • +1 bump it’s stupid how tankt neomuna ads are

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                    • Just need one more pulse rifle It’s gonna be a while….

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                      • The only thing I don't like about Neomuna are the threshers. And dead lobbies.

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                      • Neomuna is probably the best location for gameplay and activities they've ever done. Its also way bigger than some people may assume at first. Visuals are definitely subjective but it looks awesome as well. Not really getting why people are upset that the enemies have more health and are generally smarter. It used to be you had to get on a team and play endgame to play the more interesting things and Neomuna has a ton of stuff you can do solo or without all that much preparation. Just not understanding why most people that post on the internet don't think Neomuna is at least one of the more fun locations in terms of gameplay. Its also very explorable and probably only edz and nessus (the patrol zone heavyweights) can really contend with it in terms of exploration. Just don't get it. The battle situations on that location are just far more interesting and they show the progress the game has made when it comes to that type of thing. We've had destiny the blockbuster movie, and destiny the mmo, and destiny the rpg, but Neomuna is just more like Destiny the videogame. Vivid colors and gameplay. Don't see what the problem is.

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                        • More like neoboringa

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