Freelance, FTW.
The main ppl who only complained about it was the top players because they got sick of matching other sweats each game with they low player pool that's understandable ppl who play in regular trials are players that either playing with friends or trying to go flawless to get adept weapons while freelance players only played for fun and regular rewards going flawless just a bonus but not their top priority Now we all in the same pool with uneven matches having players with no skill fighting against flawless players making more disadvantage for solo players fighting stack teams and flawless players The previous model was way better and I bet the previous player numbers show it
I fondly remember a time where I was thrilled to see the Freelance Symbol on Friday evenings. I have no clue why but back then I didn't have any problems going flawless. Every Freelance weekend was like guranteed success for me, but nowadays Solo Flaw is nothing but a burning memory.
[quote]Title.[/quote] For trials? Yes it was nice
Feels like the bottom is falling out in quick play. Matchmaking is taking a long time for someone like me who is nowhere near the top. More and more laggy teams each day.
At that point just go back to 3v3... find a fire team or no trials for you 🤷♂️
Trials in general is an L. I am not a great pvp player, and every game would just get bagged by like 2 people with crouch macros. Freelance makes the mode more accessible. As of now, I think it's just a toxic, unbalanced mess.
FBMM is a compromise between Freelance and having 1 general Trials player Pool. Neither group is perfectly happy, but that's how it should be.
why though ? you can't match 3 stack in current MM
It comes down to bad game developers and incompetent leadership. They are so lost when it comes to PvP.
Fb mm?
In trials yeh. Quick play it’s fine.
And increase matchmaking time by 50%
Scrap both and put everyone in the same pool.
Someone told me a long time ago when they first started doing this that the only reason they are doing this is because it’s supposed to help with wait times between games. Sorry for me personally I gave up on trials and pvp as a whole because I didn’t like Lobby balancing and fighting stacks as a solo. It was fine before with freelance and it was a stupid idea to remove freelance imo but I don’t make the billions so what do I know lol 😂🙏
Is this just in Quickplay or in comp/trials as well? I’ve noticed MM taking quite longer when I was playing comp
Why? If you were saying to remove duos or make duos have 2v2 matches in comp or Trials, sure. But remove it altogether? Why?
We love the preachers to a wall. Nobody sees these meaningless posts but us. Be vocal in a place that has an inkling of meaning.
There should be a dedicated freelance mode so a lot of people can see how much they like ftmm. Still not seeing how its a bad thing that ftmm makes it more so people in each lobby aren't playing 6 different versions of the game. A dedicated solo playlist where people couldn't profit from playing on teams then playing solo would be cool too though.
FBMM is a more consistent solution imo. It also takes some stress off of the UI and other underlying systems by not filtering players into two separate playlists of a mode. I dont see a need to remove it.
They should do FBMM remastered (friend based match making) if your friends aren’t on you are out of luck. And if they are on and are trying to avoid you, they are out of luck
I agree. Especially on PC so we don't have to deal with cross play lag.
Why tho?