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10/1/2023 8:18:28 PM

kill oneself old

Trials capture zone

Bungie for the love of -blam!- stop putting in trials capture zone game mode. It’s trash. It’s not fun AT ALL. Stop.

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  • The people who defend Capture Zone Trials are usually void titans or Solar warlocks who started going flawless when it became permanent and it’s so funny. This mode was to stop camping and prevent slower matches right? Then why are people camping even MORE with void shields and wells sitting on a zone WAITING to capture it instead of fighting, like Trials was originally intended for??! ELIMINATION is the best and purest form of Trials that should’ve never changed. With the new strike team to I hope they revert the game mode and make it to where ALL SUPERS are possible to get if your slaying out. Yes some matches will be campy and yes some will be very aggressive. That’s how people play. But I’ll never agree that passive play should be rewarded By simply being able to hold down a zone with fast regen shields and constant heal items. It’s actually boring playing/watching trials now when you see a team of triple bubble with 100 resilience bunkering down on the zone waiting for you to make the mistake of pushing them lol.

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    • [b][u]Advantages of Zones: [/u][/b] 1) It reduces the average time of rounds by 30 seconds or more. 2) It forces teams to leave spawn, and teams no longer camp for super. By extension, it pushes supers out another round at least. In general, camping decreases when zones are active. 3) It forces teams to play the entire map. 4) It forces players to use a balanced loadout: one that can deal with multiple ranges. 5) It balances certain playstyles. For example, even if you believe shotgunning is OP, now you may only have to deal with one zone where shotgunning is an issue. 6) It promotes more teamwork and strategy because there are 6 combinations to account for instead of 1. 7) Promotes a wider range of abilities and a different meta than just Elimination would. Ie, more things are viable in Zones than regular Elim. [b][u]Some downsides:[/u][/b] 1) Some maps / zone locations give a slight advantage to one team or another. 2) Makes it harder to 1v3, because the zone takes away time. This is especially obvious when solo-queing or "carrying".

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      20 Replies
      • I love how they make a game mode that specifically means you have to use well or bubble, but then bc that's all people are using, they will nerf both those for over use lol Classic bungie

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        • Elim was (infinitely) better. Countdown is the dream.

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        • Its actually the one thing i feel they've done right lately, it stops enemy teams from locking down a vantage point where they spawned, early on into the round. It forces players to fight so if Trials weekend happens to fall on a larger map then theres no Hide and Seek BS to occur. Then theres the games being significantly faster which is better in terms of getting to the Lighthouse sooner (or in most players cases, resetting their cards sooner lol).

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        • Edited by TD1380: 10/2/2023 6:25:03 PM
          While I have never actually played Fortnite, the thought of a shrinking combat zone is kind of a cool mechanic. Too bad they couldn’t implement a system that forced you out of the spawn and into a controlled combat area.

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        • [quote]Bungie for the love of -blam!- stop putting in trials capture zone game mode. It’s trash. It’s not fun AT ALL. Stop.[/quote] You don’t like zone giving an unbalanced advantage to certain abilities and spawns? Crazy, who could have seen that coming?

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          3 Replies
          • Well and Bubble remain a problem, but I much prefer the zone capture to regular Elimination. It stops people from camping in the back of the map and stalling for Supers and makes it so that there are a variety of engagements in each map, rather than both teams going to the same lane each time.

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          • That is the only mode now and like you i hate it. When they initially brought the capture zone in it was a solution to people camping at the back to get their supers making matches slow etc. Since then bungie have change super gains so you actually have to be doing damage to get your super quicker, this means there is no reason for this zone, it shrinks the map as everyone just fights near where the zone is and just leads to people using barriers and rifts and just standing there. Im not the best pvp player ive only got to the light house twice but trials is meant to be a test of skill not who can stand in a circle the best.

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          • Agreed! All wells and bubbles with 100 int

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