Bungie i am a huge Destiny fan and I can't play Destiny 2 and im sure there is a small few just like me and well thats the problem. People that play like me with gamepad + plus mouse because our hands don't work with a keyboard can't enjoy your game and with us being so small of a community we are not heard. Games like Ow2, Halo infinite, and warzone all allow dual input. There are many more games but those are games that i play. I imagine to add this in the game would not require much as gamepad and mouse both already work separately i just ask that you allow me to use both simultaneously.
Love the small hybrid community
I made you mad enough to stat check :) - old
Nope, would provide an unfair advantage in PvP. Pick a platform, stick to it, use what you are given and stop complaining. It’s never going to happen, nor should it.