I've been running solo flawlesses, and after getting shattered throne done, I wanted to do Grasp of Avarice, as it's another easy one to get out of the way (I've done Spire). However, I set my brightness to 7 for shattered throne to see better, but after switching back to 4 (the default setting) there is this weird lighting bug that makes dark areas SUPER DARK and lighter areas absolutely blinding. There also seems to be a distinct lack/lessening of shadows where I assume the gpu is supposed to draw them, but the shadowey areas that are part of the map are as previously mentioned, super dark. I've tried restarting and resetting my ingame settings, but it did not work. This appears to be just in Grasp, but I've only played 2 crucible matches, so I cant say for sure.
When looking at the Images, keep in mind I am on default brightness, with Shadows on High
Hi there, thank you for your report. We'll pass this along to the developers for investigation.