I am following instructions on DOB requirements page
I login and go to bungie.net/permissions
There is no option to even start KWS checks
If my son goes to the same link he has no option to send me an invite link
For both of us the only button on the page is a 'Learn more' link, which links back to the DOB article... not helpful
Thanks in advance for your support / advice on this
Hello there[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/902560216871239752/989591085506515074/Hellothere.gif],[/url] If your son is having issues with restrictions they may have already completed the age check. https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049024632-Contact-Form-Data-Privacy-Requests There is a form and an email on that page, fill out the form if you are able to access the bungie.net profile, if not, send email detailing your issue.
Same issue for me. It just gives you an overview of how it works but there aren’t any links like “start the process”. My child has no link to send me an invite either. It kind of looks like I might need to do the KWS check first but like you said, there doesn’t seem to be a way to start it.
I am having the same issue. All it says for me is to have my kid send me a request yet there are no options for them to do so.
Edited by BNGHelp6: 5/16/2024 6:11:00 PMHi there, thank you for your report. Apologies for the misunderstanding. This is an issue we're aware of and are currently investigating.