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6/4/2024 5:05:52 PM

Servers still not online, haven't we waited long enough

Roll this thing out already

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  • You should refund everyone that pre-ordered back 50% for this lousy launch

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    • Unreal Bungie. Y’all let me play the 1st mission, MADE ME SKIP THE CUTSCENES WITH CAYDE, then won’t allow me to move on with the mission cus all I see is “contacting destiny 2 servers”. I load the mission and it get greeted with error code: currant. Do ever step y’all said and then I get error code: weasel. Seriously? And now I’m back to having the currant error code again. Can’t load no where but the tower and it’s a ghost town. This is beyond unacceptable. I had high hopes after 10 years y’all would get it but this is yall fatal mistake. This is going to destroy y’all’s reputation and I highly doubt whatever y’all got cooking up next ain’t gonna put food on y’all table like this. EVER. AGAIN.

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      • I think this might be my favorite launch yet! /s The chef's kiss moment so far has been the 2nd mission requiring me to first load into the Refuge area and then launching via the campaign flag, requiring two successful destination loads in a row which just isn't happening with the reduced hamster budget that Bungo apparently has this time. Could make that launchable from orbit, eh? It's not unexpected, but it is wholly unacceptable for a game that costs this much from a dev with the resources of Sony/Bungie. Why weren't some of the millions of dollars they just got from us for preordering this expansion put into stabilizing the service? Raging won't help, yes, but pretending this is OK on any level is foolish. Bungie and Sony should be embarrassed- this is literally your job, at it's basest level, and you can't do it. It would be like if I just refused to work on Mondays. "Sorry boss, it's just it's the start of a new week which is always really hard for me so I just have to ask you to understand. Also, it might be your fault..../currant"

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      • I specifically logged onto bungie so I could come to the forums to say that for all the love I have for this game. This is a piece of filth, the launch, these servers, all filthy garbage that should be burned in hellfire. I’m tired of the Year 1 antics already. It’s been hours and I can’t even get into the first mission. This is irritating beyond belief

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        2 Replies
        • You have to love the "There may be a problem with your internet connection" line. Frames the Bungie mindset quite nicely don't you think? I had low expectations for this launch and have to admit, I was still surprised at the scale of the issues.

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          • The store is still up and running you can tell what is important to them.

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            2 Replies
            • Edited by SlothOnASofa: 6/5/2024 4:11:39 AM
              I think my favorite are the white knights that keep saying "Everyone complaining is such a POS, imagine EXPECTING to be able to play on launch day, how disrespectful and ignorant you are." Imagine having this mindset in other facets of life. Hard to believe there are people that think it's over-privileged thinking to have an expectation when investing hard-earned currency.

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              • What exactly was the 25 hours of downtime for if we still have these issues?

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                • Ever so typical of Bungie crapola.

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                • There is no damn way that Aztecross is playing rn. First he has 0 issues on launch day now this?? What the hell is going on

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                • Servers up

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                • Anyone want to place some bets on when Bungie will actually respond with some tangible information about status, issues, or potential fixes......Going on 9 hours and still unplayable. I completely understand launch issues, however there are two big problems. Bungie has consistently had server issues and the complete lack of communication. There is no way they can say they could not anticipate the volume of players or not known about potential server issues. At least communicate with your player base.

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                  4 Replies
                  • Just tried for millionth and last time today. Probably won't get the chance to play til this weekend. This is disappointing to say the least.

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                    1 Reply
                    • This is one of the reasons I didn’t want to preorder. Preorders are for day 1 experience. We all know that the Destiny day 1 experience is absolute -blam!- when it comes to their servers and error codes. Too many disappointments. Never again.

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                      2 Replies
                      • I've played from 6pm UK time to now so almost 7 hours. Server was a bit flaky here and there and it's struggling now. If only the US didn't have a third world infrastructure, maybe online services would be better.

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                        8 Replies
                        • Edited by gallp13: 6/5/2024 6:16:37 AM
                          Play weekly or more since since D1 beta. It’s been a great journey and will continue to be so. Have taken the day off work, have snacks, bought the season pass, have a nice glass of wine……oh well 🙂

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                          5 Replies
                          • It is a gameplay feature. The real Final Shape is a long rectangle with a message in it. "Destiny 2 servers not available." What a plot twist!

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                            5 Replies
                            • Started a new topic: Help can’t log in(1 Reply)

                            • Are you a game developer? If so are you a game developer for one of the most complex pieces of game software in existence? Stop being so angry and learn a little patience.

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                              13 Replies
                              • Bungie I’ve been waiting legitimately since the clock struck 1pm eastern I know you are letting people in slowly and I don’t whine and complain like the rest of these peasants so please just let me in. Just me lol

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                                • the amount of entitlement in this forum right now lmao

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                                  71 Replies
                                  • I'm honestly gonna settle this one out till tomorrow, it looks like Bungie after ten years failed to even figure out how to solve this issue after last couple major DLC update. Light Fall and now Final Shape, and I have not bought any of them. But reading everyone's comment of their struggle, the money they spent and hitting a block due to server issues is not fair. This is sincerely on Bungie, they messed up and once again underestimated how unstable their servers can get. But this is for the last time for Final Shape. If there to be any reimbursement for this kerfuffle? I don't know, perhaps Silver or one free pass to the first Season. But I highly doubt Bungie has the kindness to do that.

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                                    2 Replies
                                    • Ok this is ridiculous it's been like this for years and there's still not improvement to the servers over 10yrs?! I get server overflowing can be hard to manage but come on...I cant even play the intro mission solo, we deserve compensation for this cause i spent a lot of money to play this and took of work, the least they should do is reward all players with bright dust, or like 10 bucks of eververse coins to buy something, hell even a big XP boost on everything in game to level up the pass faster would make it at least better but no game and no player compensation for our time is not ok in this situation and i think that would improve the player frustration a bit cause our time is just as valuable as our money. Hope it improves for some of my fellow guardians soon, fingers crossed we get what were owed.

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                                      4 Replies
                                      • Same here all… I preordered this. Idk if it’s bc I’m on the east coast but I paid good money for the eary access deluxe edition + Season Pass through PS Store for my PS5 and wasn’t even able to play the older version of D2 and finish my missions I had started since like noon or even earlier yesterday on the 3rd. So idk if there’s some type of compensation or something Bungie can do? Bc Ik they’ll just claim it’s Sonys fault etc back and fourth bs… but I’m kind of livid I paid over $130 for this looking forward to it, and yet… error server offline etc. and again I reiterate that I could t even play D2 older missions to finish what I had started to finish my grind from last season etc bc the server went down on me for the update around 11am-12pm on the 3rd EST. So I just want to play but I think they should do something for us all not just the ones who paid for the upgraded editions either - anyone even if just paid for the base dlc / game. I believe they, if exp same probs as me/us, should be compensated some way. But I’ll Just be happy to finally be able to play the game again honestly. Bc it was supposed to be back up by 3pm my time EST. AND IT STILL WASNT…. So I still love ya Bungie but this is some ish guys.

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                                      • yeah it feel so bad to have to wait 2 + hours and im still not in after paying $100 for this game. RIP

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                                      • The game was down all yesterday because they were rolling out the update, so you would expect everything would be fine today, but... nope! Already past 1:00 PM here on the West Coast and servers still offline. Well.... knowing them... not a surprise at all. We know how their servers have been over the years. As usual, the only thing that gets regularly 'upgraded' to the latest up to date level is their price tag, lol!

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